page 1 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED CARE-ASAS Activity 3: ASM Time-Based Sequencing OSED
page 2 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Objectives and Tasks Objectives: To provide relevant information for safety assessment R&D work, not any implementation objectives Tasks: Description of the operating environment and time- based sequencing operations Focus on operations description and higher-level description of CNS/ASAS functions
page 3 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Airspace characteristics
page 4 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Application characteristics Time-based sequencing characteristics Time criteria used for separation Airborne separation minima may be smaller than ATC separation minima Airborne separation minima may be defined either in time or in distance Controller no more provides separation between aircraft involved in time-based sequencing procedure Controller provides compatible navigation instructions/clearances to both aircraft involved in time- based sequencing procedure Controller ensures separation with surrounding traffic
page 5 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Time-based sequencing applications
page 6 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Procedures (1/2) Identification phase Detection of opportunity for a time-based sequencing procedure Positive identification of the target aircraft with identification by the controller and confirmation by the flight-crew ATC clearance delivery Execution phase Flight crew responsible for complying with the specific time-based sequencing clearances Clearance update and transfer to next sector Termination phase Normal or Abnormal end of procedure
page 7 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Merge behind DLH AFR WPT AFR345 select target 1234 Selecting target 1234, AFR345 Target identified 1234, AFR345 AFR345, behind target, merge to WPT to be 2min behind Merging to WPT to be 2min behind target, AFR345 Cancel delegation, AFR345 / AFR345 passing waypoint / AFR345 unable delegation separation
page 8 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Procedures (2/2) Transfer of time-based sequencing procedure Receiving controller informed of the incoming pair of aircraft Delegation information displayed on the CWP automatically transferred between sectors Confirmation by the flight-crew executing a time-based sequencing procedure of the on-going clearance to the receiver controller
page 9 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Functional characteristics ATC system CWP equipped with marking facilities Delegation information transferred automatically between sectors
page 10 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Functional characteristics Airborne system Surveillance function (based on ADS-B and TIS-B) ASAS Separation function Consistency check of selected target aircraft identification and separation (i.e. compatibility with respect to airborne separation minima) Provision of adequate information about selected target aircraft and for the establishment and the maintenance of the required separation Alarm in case of a predicted loss of selected time-based separation or airborne separation minima Adequate HMI
page 11 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Contingency procedures In case of flight-crew inability to perform the procedure The flight-crew interrupts the procedure and informs the controller about the interruption. The flight-crew is not authorised to deviate from its trajectory without controller instruction (except to avoid a collision risk).