1 Operational Integration Team Complex Procedure Presentation Alaska October 2-4, 2002 Dave Peterson
2 Satellite Navigation’s Mission WAAS/LAAS Implementation
3 Objective FAA Satellite Navigation Mission Overview of Operational Integration Program Status of Operational Integration Projects
4 Current WAAS Performance Available Via FAA GPS Website
5 Potential LAAS Benefits Achieve Consistent, Accurate, Repeatable Performance Expand Closely Spaced Parallel Runway Ops Support Advanced/Complex Procedures Which Provide Improvements in Safety and Capacity to Lower Minima Support Surface Movement Applications Eliminate Need for In-Aircraft Procedure Database Support Extended Arrival Procedures Support RNP Based Operations
6 Potential LAAS Benefits Reduce Aircraft Separation Requirements Reduce ATC Workload Reduce Obstacle Clearance Requirements Ability to Change or Create Approach Procedures without Infrastructure Changes Ability to Implement Multiple, Segmented, or Variable Glide Slopes Support Runway Incursion Avoidance Systems Compress the Density of Terminal Operations
7 Potential LAAS Benefits Support Adjacent Airport Operations De-conflict Airspace Enable Environmental and Security Improvements (e.g., Noise Abatement) Support Highly Reliable 4-D Guidance in Terminal Area Ability to Use Single LAAS System to Support Approaches at Multiple Runway Ends Improved ATC Terminal Area Surveillance Through Improved Navigation Accuracies
8 Operational Integration
10 Operational Evolution of SatNav Procedures CAPABILITY TIME LAAS CAT I Advanced Procedures LAAS CAT II/III WAAS GLS WAAS LPV Approaches WAAS LNAV/VNAV Approaches Stand-Alone GPS Approaches GPS Overlays
11 WAAS Policy and Guidance LNAVLNAV/VNAVLPV Flt Stds Guidance TERPS Air Traffic Control NOTAMS Certification Flight Inspection Procedure Production Complete NowIn Progress, Complete by 7/03 In Progress, NOT Complete by 7/03 Not Started
12 LAAS Policy and Guidance Certification Procedure Production Flight Inspection NOTAMS Air Traffic Control TERPS Flt Stds Guidance CAT II/IIICAT I Not StartedIn Progress, NOT Complete by 7/03 In Progress, Complete by 7/03 Complete Now
13 LAAS Avionics LAAS Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) DO-253A and Interface Control Document (ICD) DO- 246B, Updated 11/28/01 Technical Standard Orders (TSOs) for Navigation Sensor and VHF Data Broadcast Being Prepared for Public Comment Software Mod to Add WAAS GEO Ranging to LAAS MMR Navigation Solution Delivered, 3/29/02 Modifications to Add Curved Approach Processing Being Initiated at FAATC
14 Flight Standards
15 Approach Strategy Evolve from Angular Criteria (Today) to Optimized Criteria (Angular/Linear) Industry Desires Linear Criteria Phase 1 –Benefit Establishes a Foundation for All –Commonality of RNP Across NAS Phase 2 –Benefit Comes With RNP <0.3 –RNP Based Missed Approach Guidance Leverage CAST, But Do Not Disrupt Both Currently Funded Under CAST –Still Need SAAR Procedures Up to 2000 Additional Procedures - Subject to Benefits Analysis Specials Continue
16 Strategy - RNP 1 - Optimize structure - Procedural separation - Mandates? Initial ImplementationNext Steps Public RNP 0.3 Qualifying aircraft: GPS or RNP-certified using DME/DME/Inertial TERPS: 2xRNP primary, 1xRNP transitional Implement on RNAV approaches, replace LNAV/VNAV Specials Public SAAR Lower RNP Public SOIA Approach Terminal Arrivals & Departures En Route RNP 2 Qualifying aircraft: Tailor RNAV criteria (GPS, DME) TERPS: 8 mi. aircraft separation (centerline) Implement wherever advantageous and equipage exists Supports existing route structures. RNP 2 Qualifying aircraft: Tailor RNAV criteria (GPS, DME) TERPS: Using Level 2 RNAV DPs, RNAV STARS Implement as part of national airspace redesign RNP 1
En Route RNAV Projects 56 - ASA Routes $2 Million 37 - Multi-Center Routes $2.6 Million ACA Routes $4.1 Million 6 - West Coast Routes $455 Thousand Total Annual Airline Reported Savings = $30.8 Million “Q” Routes Provide RNAV Routing for Gulf of Mexico Savings $21.6 Million
18 Procedures and Surveys
19 Procedure Production Schedule Available Via FAA GPS Website Available at Also, available at
20 Interference Detection and Risk Mitigation
21 GPS Interference Detection and Location
22 Air Traffic
23 Overview LAAS Program Commissioning 6 LRIP Systems –Memphis, Phoenix, Houston, Seattle, Chicago, Juneau One of the Fundamental Benefits Users Expect from LAAS is Ability to Fly Complex Procedures Purpose of this Meeting is to Establish a Plan for Implementing Complex Procedures at the 6 LRIP Airports
24 Background AND-720 has been Meeting with LAAS Users, Air Traffic Representatives, and Procedure Developers to Better Define Anticipated LAAS Benefits Understand Desired LAAS Operations Establish What the OIT Can and Can Not Do to Implement Those Operations Goal is to Develop Consensus on Projects to Implement Desired LAAS Operations
25 Background Kick-off Meeting Held in Arlington, VA (April) Second Meeting Memphis, TN (April) Third Meeting Chicago, IL (July) Fourth Meeting Chicago, IL (August) Develop Requirements for Specific LAAS Procedures at Chicago Additional Meetings being Considered for each LAAS LRIP Airport
26 Site Coordinators Each Site has a Primary and Backup Coordinator –Facilitate the Development of the Advanced Procedures Assist AND-720 Establish a Development Team for Each LRIP Airport Coordinate with the Airports and Regions (Following Site Visits by AND-710 and AND-720) Coordinate Development Team Meetings and Activities Refine Detailed Schedules for Each Site, Track Progress and Ensure Schedules are Being Met Identify Issues
27 LRIP Coordinators Memphis Bob Beal Campbell Motley Juneau Bob Beal Campbell Motley Houston Tracey Golden Tim Roe Phoenix Tim Roe Paul Ewing Chicago Jeff Cochrane Larry Oliver Seattle Rich Cole Paul Wagoner
28 Top Level Complex Procedure Development Schedule
29 Follow-On Activities Develop a Chicago Specific Project Plan –Initial Focus on Guided Descending Approach to 09L –Incrementally Addressing Entire Procedure – Reduced Separation, Missed Approach, Guidance Task Leads –Review Task Details Ensure All Sub-Tasks Addressed Ensure Schedule is Realistic –Submit Project Plans and Resource Requirements to Cover FY03 Tasks Schedule Site Visits (AND-710, 720) and Coordinator Coordination
30 Triple Convergence Approach – Chicago O’Hare Double click executable to play file
31 Guided Complex Approach to 09L
32 Schedule Level 1_1
33 Schedule Level 1_2
34 Schedule Level 1_3
35 Schedule Level 1_4