Longitude and Latitude
Lines Longitude lines run north and south. Latitude lines run east and west. The lines measure distances in degrees.
Lines of longitude only
Cross-section through line of longitude Cross-sections through lines of latitude
Orange cut through lines of longitude Orange cut through lines of latitude
Where is 0 degree? Equator The equator is 0 degree latitude. It is an imaginary belt that runs halfway point between the North Pole and the South Pole. Equator
Latitude Lines that go across from left to right
Remembering Latitude Latitude “Fatitude”
P R I M E D A N Where is 0 degree? The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. This imaginary line runs through the United Kingdom, France, Spain, western Africa, and Antarctica.
It goes right through Greenwich, England and is a place tourists visit.
Longitude Lines that go across from top to bottom
Remembering Longitude “It's a LONG, LONG way from pole to pole, pole to pole, pole to pole It's a LONG, LONG way from pole to pole, so we call those LONGITUDES.” How long or tall are you? Your height is up and down. Longitude goes up and down.
Major Lines of Latitude North Pole Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle South Pole
Unnderstanding Longitude & Latitude
East, West, North, and South on the Earth North Latitude West Longitude East Longitude South Latitude
(N, W) (N, E) (S, W) (S, E)
(N, W) Equator Prime Meridian
If you said South and East , you’re right! What would be the latitude and longitude directions in Australia? ? Prime Meridian If you said South and East , you’re right!
So Where is (0,0)? The origin point (0,0) is where the equator intersects the prime meridian. (0,0) is off the western coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.
If latitude and longitude might be 37° N, 76° W… You are about here! W E S
Using the map, see if you can find the locations… 41°N, 21°E 37°N, 76°W 72°S, 141°W 7°S, 23°W 15°N, 29°E 34°S, 151°E A map is included on the next slide…
Can you find the locations? 41°N, 21°E 37°N, 76°W 72°S, 141°W 7°S, 23°W 72°S, 141°W 7°S, 23°W 15°N, 29°E 34°S, 151°E
Websites for Students Social Studies for Kids: Basic Geography http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/geography/latitudelongitude.htm BoatSafeKids: How are flat charts and maps made of our round planet? http://www.boatsafe.com/kids/mercator.htm Interactive Latitude and Longitude http://www.geovista.psu.edu/grants/MapStatsKids/MSK_portal/concepts_latlg.html Map Stats for Kids http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g3_u6/index.html
Websites for Teachers Geography Classroom Game http://geography.about.com/od/teachgeography/a/classlatitude.htm Great Teaching Tools http://www.classbrain.com/artteach/publish/article_108.shtml Latitude and Longitude http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/activities/01/popup/lat_long.html Yarning about Latitude and Longitude http://www.education-world.com/a_tsl/archives/02-1/lesson043.shtml