Volcanoes Jessica Redmond. What is a super volcano? A Super Volcano or a super volcanic eruption is an eruption that ejects greater than 240 cubic miles.


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Presentation transcript:

Volcanoes Jessica Redmond

What is a super volcano? A Super Volcano or a super volcanic eruption is an eruption that ejects greater than 240 cubic miles.

When and where? The last one was in Sumatra, called Toba. It erupted about 75,000 years ago. 10 thousand times bigger than MT. st Helens.

What did the eruption cause? Deforested most of central India. 800 cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere, leaving a crater which is now the largest volcano lake.

Yellowstone Volcano? What evidence is there that it is active? Not your typical volcano because of size, scale, and frequency of eruption. The magma is as close as 5 miles underground in some spots, which fuels thousands of spewing geysers, hissing steam vents, gurgling mud spots, and steaming hot springs.

Volcano in Mexico Called Paricutin Began as a fissure in a cornfield. Erupted for over 9 years. Got as big as 1, ft.

The biggest volcano on earth. Mauna Loa. One of the 5 volcanoes that make up the Big Island of Hawaii. Scientists think it has been erupting for over 700,000 years. It erupted last in 1984 and destroyed homes and villages.