1 Joint Intelligence Training Program 25 August, 2009
Purpose To INFORM the JNTC Corporate Board regarding the current status and initiatives of the Joint Intelligence Training Program.
Agenda Program Scope and C2 JIT Program Plan I2T2
Strategy: End-state A universally accepted Joint Intelligence Training and Education Program with global execution through a Joint Intelligence Training Capability that is administered to published standards and addresses all types of training (individual, staff/functional and collective) at all levels of war (strategic to tactical) in order to maintain a consistent application of joint intelligence support to the warfighter.
DODI Joint Intelligence Training (JIT) Assigns JFCOM the responsibility to: –Administer a JIT capability: Program Management; Requirements/Capabilities Development; Training Development, Execution, and Assessment; Exercise Planning/Execution; M&S; and Readiness Reporting –Serve as lead integrator for JIT requirements: Collect, validate, and prioritize requirements Develop JIT standards for use in certification and accreditation Develop assessment process & metrics for JIT performance & effectiveness Develop a supporting JIT M&S Strategy Maintain intelligence-related UJTLs –Chair: Joint Force Intelligence Training Council (JFITC)
Program “C2” The U.S. Joint Forces Command is the lead agent for execution of the JIT Program. –The Commander, USJFCOM: designate a JIT Program Manager who will also function as the Director, JIT JMO. –The JIT JMO manages and executes the program while providing the linkage to the Training Transformation (T2) Enterprise as the JIT point of contact in the T2 Joint Integrated Process Team (JIPT) and to the Defense Intelligence Training Enterprise (DITE) through the JFITC and the Defense Intelligence Training and Education Board (ITEB).
Program “C2” The JFCOM J2: as the command MIP manager, has designated responsibility for the JIT JMO and Chairmanship of the JFITC. –The JFITC will be the primary decision making forum for JIT requirements and solutions within DoD. Chaired by JFCOM; O-6 level reps from COCOMs, Services and Intel CSAs –The J2 will ensure the JIT JMO and other JIT resources, as required, remain in direct support of the J7 and the Joint Force Trainer mission. The JFCOM J7: as the Joint Force Trainer provides for the JIT JMO to be collocated at the Joint Warfighting Center with the Trainers and the two JFCOM-led T2 programs (JNTC and JKDDC).
JIT JMO DIG 2006: Stand-up a JIT JMO FY07: Transition JMO FY08: IOC ( 2 x GS, 7 x Contractors) FY10: FOC (5 x GS, 12 Contractors) The JIT JMO exercises a centralized authority and responsibility for planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading the implementation of JIT Program components through the combined efforts of JIT stakeholders across the DoD T2 and Intelligence Training Enterprises.
Joint Force Intelligence Training Council (JFITC) Corporate Board equivalent Broad Membership –Voting Members: all Combatant Commands, Intelligence CSAs, and Military Services, and JS J2 –Other Members: Intell Training Councils, OSD, JS J7, Meets Monthly by telephone conference Oversee development/execution of the JIT Program Addresses al types of Joint Training –Individual, Staff/functional, and collective –Emphasis is on staff/functional training Linked to DoD T2 program through JIT JMO Prepare an annual report on JIT activities
JIT Program Parameters Scope is DoD-wide Bridges Defense T2 and Defense Intelligence Training Enterprises Prescribes task-based training across the continuum (collective, staff/functional and individual) Addresses joint intelligence trainers, training, development, and delivery Functional subset to JFCOM’s Joint Force Trainer Mission; assigns responsible authority for JIT execution
Goals, Components, Lines of Operation Management Lines of Operation Policy, Plans, and Programming Strategic Engagement Joint Intelligence Doctrine Execution Standards Management Requirements Management Solutions Management JIT within the JTS JIT Program Assessment Accreditation Management Certification Management Curriculum Management Program Components Development 1)Develop collaborative partnerships in order to foster advocacy for Joint Intelligence Training. 2)Achieve operational standardization within the Defense Intelligence Training Enterprise. 3)Ensure long-term sustainment of a Joint Intelligence Training capability. 4)Improve Joint Intelligence Readiness. JIT Program Strategic Goals
JIT JMO JIT Management JIT Development JIT Execution JIT Assessment Joint Intelligence Training I2T2
Program Focus Combatant Commands: –Assist w/COCOM Training Programs Support JIT within JTS Collective Training (assess and advise) –JTP addresses intel training; Intel JMETs; Intel Training Objectives Support Directorate Training (J2 Staff Training) –Develop tasks/training across seven functional areas Support Joint Individual Training –Identify Joint Intelligence Qualification Levels (SL 1-4) requirements by JMD Billet
Program Focus Intelligence Combat Support Agencies –Define “Strategic Intelligence Support to the Warfighter” Support to National Decision Makers (N-JOIC) Support to the COCOMs –Define Joint Collective and Staff Training Requirements Revise SN 2.0 UJT Define COCOM Support Team Training
Program Focus Military Services –Define Intelligence dimension of Joint Context in Service Training –Identify Joint Familiarization Training
Points of Contact Mr. Hal Stine, (757) , Mr. Rich Pontius, (757) , Mr. Bill Ullmann, (757) , Mr. Tony De Anda, (757) , DSN 668-XXXX
A Joint Intelligence Training Strategy Joint Intelligence Operational Construct “Operating Principle #3” 1.Applicable at all levels of war (Tactical – Strategic) 2.Consistent with current Joint and Service Doctrine 3.Used as a baseline from which to build the Universal Tasks 4.Focused on Conducting “Intelligence Operations” vice Providing “ISR”. 5.Provides appropriate support to the operational decision cycle CM Prod Sys TGT SASA JIPOEJIPOE Intel Cycle Ops Fires Plans XXX -2O -2T -2P XXX Intel Operations Center Conduct Intel Operations Joint Intelligence Training Capability “Operating Principle #1” 1.Fully integrate with Defense Training Transformation (T2) Implementation Plan; three pillars: JNTC, JKDDC and JAEC 2.Include all types of training (individual, staff/functional, and collective) 3.Leverage existing Defense intelligence training schools and venues 4.Align with existing Joint and General Intelligence Training Systems (JTS/GITS) JTEN JAECJAEC JKDDCJKDDC J N T C Global Simulation Centers Service Training Centers/Ranges Ft Huachuca Goodfello w& Hurlburt NMITC JMITC/ JMIC CSA Training & Education COCOM RJITFs Joint Intelligence Training Capability Constructive Live Virtual Joint Intelligence Training Continuum “Operating Principle #2” 1.Establish community accepted universal tasks that define both training and learning objectives 2.View holistically – a progressive and cumulative process that develops individual, staff/functional and collective skills Individual Staff/Functional Collective Centers & Boards JFC JTF Func Comp Face-to-Face Distributed JKDDC JPME SVC Schls Training Education UJTL Tasks L.O. T.O. Blended
Analysis Collection Dissemination Operations Planning Production Targeting Service/Agency Occupational Intelligence Requirements Common Standard Functional Tasks Collection Management Analysis Production Dissemination Planning Operations Targeting Joint Intelligence Section Requirements Collective Tasks SN 2.0 ST 2.0 OP 2.0 Joint Command Intelligence Requirements Joint Baseline Joint Intelligence Positional Requirements Individual Tasks Qualification Levels Master Craftsman Journeyman Apprentice Delta Joint Forces Intelligence School/ RJITFs CSAs JWFC COCOMs JIT Task Development Model CSAs USAUSA MOS USMCUSMC USNUSN Rate USAFUSAF AFSC USCGUSCG Rate AGENCYAGENCY Cert
Conduct Joint Intel Operations (OP 2) Establish the Joint Intelligence Enterprise (2.1) Plans Ops Fires (5.0) (3.0) Joint Intel Process S U (2.5) JIPOEJIPOE (2.4) (2.8) (2.7) (2.6) JISE JPG JOC JFE CM Prod TgtSysJ2PJ2OJ2T Conduct J2 Staff Operations (2.2) Conduct JISE Operations (2.3)