May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira1 CMS: Hadronic Calorimetry & Jet/ Performance V. Daniel Elvira Fermilab.


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Presentation transcript:

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira1 CMS: Hadronic Calorimetry & Jet/ Performance V. Daniel Elvira Fermilab

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira2 HO HE ( extend to |  |=3) HB (|  |<1.3) The CMS Detector HF (extend to |  |=5) 8.6 m

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira3 The CMS Physics H jet(H->  ), (m H  inclusive, qqH (H->WW * -> ll ), qqH (H->  -> l  -jet), WH-> l , ttH (H->bb), qqH (H->  ), WH-> l bb qq (H -> ZZ * /WW * -> llll, ll ) (120 < m H < 500) Example: SM Higgs discovery channels The search for the Higgs boson, SUSY particles, new phenomena constitute the core of the CMS physics program HCal crucial for jet and measurements (signature)

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira4 HB Calorimeter (central) Sampling calorimeter: brass (passive) & scintillator (active) Coverage: |  |<1.3 Depth: 5.8 int (at  =0) segmentation:  x   resolution: ~ (120 / + 4)% 0.087x o Completed & assembled 17 layers longitudinally,  x  = 4 x 16 towers 

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira5 HO Calorimeter (outer) Total number of int till the last sampling layer of HB is ~8. HO: 2 scint. layers around first  layer (extend to~11.8 int ) ~ 5% of a 300 GeV  energy is leaked outside the HB HO improves  resolution by ~10% at 300 GeV & linearity Test Beam 2002 Ring 0 Ring 1 Ring 2

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira6 HE Calorimeter Completed, assembled, HE-1 installed Sampling calorimeter: brass (passive) & scintillator (active) Coverage: 1.3<|  |<3 Depth: 10 int (at  =0) segmentation:  x   resolution: ~ (120/ + 4)% 0.087x o 19 layers longitudinally

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira7 HF Calorimeter Steel absorbers, embedded quartz fibres // to the beam Fast (~10 ns) collection of Cherenkov radiation. Coverage: 3<|  |<5 segmentation:  x  Depth: 10 int 10 o x 13  towers Fibre insertion finished by Nov 03

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira8 HF Calorimeter HF used to tag forward jets in qq (H -> ZZ * /WW * -> llll, ll ) Higgs searches, to reduce QCD background by a factor of ~ % at 50 GeV 20% at 400 GeV HF acceptance for tagging quarks of E T >30 GeV No q 1 q 2 q’s

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira9 ECal 7x7 Crystal Matrix (movable) 2 HCal HB Modules HO Panels Aluminum Slab HCal 2002 Test Beam beam Moving table Small scale experiment to demonstrate that HCal works: 49 ECal crystals, 144 HB channels, 16 HO channels. Over 100 Million Events!  - : 225 GeV e - : 20,30,50,100 GeV  - : 20,30,50,100, 300 GeV Read out with a 29.6 ns period

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira10 HB L s)   225 GeV muon beam 16 ) HB L s) 16 )   beam 100 GeV electron ADC counts HB L s) 16 )  beam 300 GeV pion ADC counts HCal 2002 Test Beam 97% of energy contained in a 3x3 crystal matrix 99% of energy contained in a 5x5 HB tower matrix

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira11 Attenuation ~ 50% Att. (Arbit. Units)  HCal 2002 Test Beam HB Pulse out of the QIE ( Charge Integration Electronics) mean : ADC = 260 MeV HB Pedestal sigma distribution Response attenuation as the signal travels longer distances to the QIE from high  towers ( ,  )=(1,1) Time(ns) 300 GeV pions Noise in HB

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira12 Measurement of HO muon signal for RPC trigger (Goal: use the HO as part of muon trigger) HCal 2002 Test Beam   beam HB  beam HO  HO Signal Pedestal Subtracted Pedestal Distribution 225 GeV muon

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira13     Based on 1-5,000   events onto the (  )=(6,2) tower of the HB and crystal 25 of the ECal matrix TB02 Simulation ( OSCAR/G4 ) Crystal 25 An accurate Monte Carlo simulation is critical: detector design & calibration, data analysis Validation of GEANT4/OSCAR by June03 for M.C. production towards DC04 & physics TDR)

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira14 Angle view of the full TB02 detector 10 GeV electron HB ECal HO Beam Line HO HB ECal Beam Line TB02 Simulation ( OSCAR/G4 ) 100 GeV pion

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira15 Pion peak Muon background Background subtracted pion peak  E /E = 20.3% TB02:   E /E and e/  50 GeV pions Pions showering in the crystals Data energy resolution for 50 GeV pions (Ecal+HB, no HO)

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira16 TB02:   E /E and e/  The agreement is excellent in all the energy range Shape difference: e/h (e.m. & nuclear x-sec), leakage……? Data systematic error analysis in progress Validate GEANT4 physics models Resolution Linearity

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira17 Goals for the 2002 HCal testbeam, Operation of 144 channels at MHz Absolute calibration using beam/source Determination of pulse shape Measurement of  attenuation Determination of Layer-0 weighting Measurement of muon signal (HO) for RPC trigger Control of HV, front end, and moving source have been met! Move on to TB03... Repeat TB02 tests,…plus…, local synch in all channels, HB- HE boundary,  signal for calibration, remote monitoring & analysis Summary on TB Program

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira18 Jet & Resolution PYTHIA + CMSIM + ORCA single jets (R=0.5 cone algorithm) Squarks/gluinos of M~500 GeV decaying to jets + 39% at 20 GeV 12% at 100 GeV

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira19 Mass Resolution gg ->  -> hh -> 2  + 2b, m  =300 GeV, m h =125 GeV ( Jet cone algo. R = 0.5 ) L=2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 |  |,  R b-jet < 1.2, < 0.1 < 2, < 0.1 <1.2, <0.3 No tracking correction With tracking correction

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira20 DC04: Calib. & bkgnd. Data Challenge 2004 (DC04): test data reconstruction chain, validate Monte Carlo, optimize detector parameters, develop particle algorithms & calibration tecniques, and perform physics prospect studies. (a) Calibration & background Samples:  + jet for jet calibration W (W -> l ) + N Jets – Standard one e/  background process (N=1,2,3,4) + Top quark pair production: tt -> l l bb - higher W p T, jets, QCD dijet background Data Format: a Root Tree will be created from DST files

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira21 DC04: Physics (b) Physics Samples: Higgs Production – qq H ( H  l l jj ) for optimization of HF and TB studies, forward jet tagging, W L W L  W L W L scattering - qq  WWqq  WWqq  l jjjj strong dynamics for EW symmetry breaking, jets,, CompHEP-PYTHIA comparisons Z´ search – qq  Z´  qq (useful for energy resolution studies) SUSY particle search – gluino/squark  energetic central jet, large

May 1-3, LHC 2003V. Daniel Elvira22 HB and HE hadronic calorimeters completed and assembled. HF fibre insertion finished by the end of 2003 Goals for the HCal 2002 test beam experiment have been met, moving on to TB03 program Looking forward to M.C. production & DC04 for simulation and reconstruction validation, detector optimisation, physics prospects Summary