Starter To date, what do you think the most important discovery/contribution an Astronomer has made to Astronomy?
Table of Contents 9/14/15 Astronomers
Ptolemy Proposed a Geocentric Universe: the Earth is the center of the Universe; this was also known as the Ptolemy System
Copernicus Proposed that the Sun was at the center of the universe, remained stationary, and the planets revolved around the Sun: Heliocentric
Tycho Brahe Made observations that proved the universe was always changing. Also proposed the Sun and the Moon revolved around the Earth
Kepler Planets revolve around the Sun in an elliptical path Came up with 3 laws
Kepler’s 3 Laws
Galileo The first telescope was built by Dutch eyeglass makers Improved the telescope
Galileo Gathered evidence to prove we are a Heliocentric universe Heavenly bodies revolve around each other.
Newton Universal Gravitational Law
Hubble Other galaxies besides the Milky Way Has a telescope named after him
Cat’s Eye Nebula
Crab Nebula
Maria Mitchell Discovered a comet that was then named Miss Mitchell’s Comet
Henrietta Swan Leavitt Her work made it possible for astronomers to determine the distance between a star and the Earth
Vocabulary Heliocentric Geocentric Telescope Astronomer Observation
Astronomer: Fakebook You will work in partners (2 people). You may choose to work by yourself but your due date does not change. You will choose one astronomer to create a Fakebook profile for. You will choose today and begin research tomorrow on the chromebooks and creating your Fakebook profile.