Capstone Progress Report Amir Osterweil
Problem In the long-term care field, there are many problems associated with bedridden patients who can develop pressure ulcers and skin related ailments such Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Problem Further health complications and even death. Preventable, if spotted early Wealth of knowledge on prevention of these conditions Need for a more engaging training program to keep Certified Nursing Assistants up to date with the protocol
Target Learner Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA’s) Have the most contact with the patients Can play a vital role in preventing the worsening of skin related ailments Need reinforcement in training of how to spot and report signs of these conditions
Target Audience English Language Learners High school or some high school
Solution Captivate module Features: Inform learners about these conditions Walk them through work-based scenarios Test learners on new knowledge
Learning Theories Behaviorism Change in behavior Measurable outcomes Self-Paced Provide feedback
Learning Theories Adult Learning Theory Relevance Experiential Learning Problem-Solving
Instructional Theories Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application
Progress One module on pressure ulcers has been completed Completed a usability test with 5 subjects Technical fine tuning Captivate Module
Challenges Simplistic subject matter Concern that there is not enough material for a Capstone Captivate
Challenges Technical glitches in Captivate
Moving Forward More research Consultations with SME’s Improvement of existing module 2-3 more modules Usability Tests