Publishing a Movie You CANNOT save a.MSWMM (Microsoft Windows Movie Maker) file to a flash drive or any other removable device. The.MSWMM file must first be "Published" (Vista version) or "Finished" (XP version) in the WMM program before it can be viewed in a media player, ed, uploaded or burned to CD/DVD. This finalizes the project by means of "mixing down" audio/video properties.
Publishing a Movie Movie Maker files that are not Published or Finished can only be viewed/edited in the Windows Movie Maker program. Here are instructions on how to Publish/Finish your WMM project so that it can be saved to a flash drive or other portable/removable device: With your project in the time-line view of WMM Click on the Movie Tasks Pane, go to Finish Movie and Save to My Computer.
Publishing a Movie Name the movie and select a destination to save it in --- (Choose/make a folder to save it in that you can access easily) Click Next Select option: Best quality for playback on my computer (recommended) Click Publish or Finish (depending on your WMM version)
Publishing a Movie When the video is published/finished, you should be able to find it in the folder you saved it in. Click on it and it should open up in the media player you use. If it does, you have successfully Published/Finished the project. Remember: ** A WMM project is still in "unfinished" form(.MSWMM)and can only be viewed/edited in Windows Movie Maker. ** A PUBLISHED/FINISHED WMM video is the "finalized" format. Read more: flash_drive#ixzz1MiY0yYdq flash_drive#ixzz1MiY0yYdq
Sending a movie in The saving option lets you save your movie and then send it as an attachment by using your default program. When this option is selected, the final movie is saved to a temporary location, and then sent as an attachment. If you click the saving option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows. Wait for your movie to be saved.
To save a movie to a Pocket PC device On the File menu, click Save Movie File, and then click My computer. –or- In the Movie Tasks pane, under Finish Movie, click Save to my computer. In the Enter a file name for your saved movie box, type a name for your movie. In the Choose a place to save your movie box, do one of the following: Choose the path and folder name for the location in which you want to store your movie in the drive:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\DeviceName My Documents where drive is the drive the folder is stored on, UserName is the Windows account user name you are logged in as, and DeviceName My Documents is the name of the Pocket PC as recognized by ActiveSync and a folder that is automatically synchronized with your Pocket PC. Click Browse if the place drive:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\DeviceName My Documents is not already listed in the drop-down box, and then locate and choose this location. To create a new folder, click Make New Folder in the Browse For File dialog box, and then type a name for the new folder. On the Movie Setting page, click Show more choices, and then choose one of the Video for Pocket PC movie settings in the Other settings list. If you want to watch your movie on your computer after completing the wizard, select the Play movie when I click Finish check box. After the movie is saved, click Finish. With your Pocket PC connected to your computer, start Microsoft ActiveSync® (or the application you use to synchronize your Pocket PC device with your computer), and then click Sync (if necessary).
Recording a movie to a DV camera The DV Camera saving option lets you record the movie you create to a tape in a DV camera through Windows Movie Maker. This lets you or others watch the final movie on a DV camera or on TV when you connect the camera to a TV. When you choose this option, the movie is recorded to the tape in your DV camera, so it appears on the tape with existing video you might have recorded back to tape or recorded with your DV camera. To record your movie to tape, your DV camera needs to be in the playback mode (often labeled VCR or VTR on your camera).
Recording a movie to a DV camera If you click the DV Camera saving option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows. If you have more than one DV device connected to your computer and powered on, select the DV device on the DV Camera page that contains the tape that you want to record your movie to. Set your camera to playback mode, and then rewind or fast- forward the tape to the point where you want your movie to be recorded. For more information about cuing your tape. Wait for your movie to be created and then recorded to tape. Complete the Save Movie Wizard.