Rise, Triumph, Stagnation
He was the son of Abdullah He was orphaned as a young boy He was raised in the Quaraysh tribe in Mecca He encountered many different types of people
Revelation was from the same God as the God of the Jews and the God of the Christians Revelation occurred over many years Revelation called for compassion, community and submission
Shahadah – Profession of Faith “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his Prophet.” Salah– Ritual Prayer Five times a day, facing the Ka’aba in Mecca Sawn – Fasting during Ramadan Abstaining from eating, drinking and sex during day light hours
Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca Journey to Mecca once a lifetime if able Zakat – Charitable Giving Tithing 1/40 of accumulated wealth Voluntary giving called Sadaqah
Tawhid – strict belief in one just one God Qadar – God knows already all that will ever happen, thus ALL is predestined Malak – Angels are God’s messengers, they lack free will and are thus less than humanity
Anbiya – Prophets are the agents of God who have delivered his message over time Qiyama – On the day of Resurrection, all will be judged by God and the righteous will go to Paradise
Muslim Values include… Maintaining the self as a temple to God Islam teaches individuals to live moral lives Loving the Family Islam teaches individuals to value family Serving Community Islam stresses hospitality and generosity Islam expects charity to be offered to the less fortunate Submission to God Islam teaches that to submit to the will of God is to receive God into your heart and to enjoy God’s Judgment
Sharia is the Law of Islam Sharia is derived from… Qur’an – the Word of God, revealed to Muhammad, Muslim scripture Hadith – the Word of Muhammad, spoken to his followers Sunnah – the traditions Muslims normally follow Different groups of Muslims interpret the Law differently
After Muhammad died, his successors created a vast empire called the Caliphate The Caliphate was led by the Caliph (successor) The Caliph was both a religious and political leader
Caliphs lost their independence in 1261 After 1258 Caliphs were only religious leaders Political power was held by Sultans (Emperors) The last Caliph was removed in 1924 Abu Bakr Ali al-Musta-sim Abdulmecid II
The Caliphate ushered in a lengthy period of peace, prosperity and tolerance Knowledge expanded due to places like the house of Wisdom Wealth exploded due to key inventions Paper Currency Letters of Credit Multi-nodal Banking
Before Islam, Arab women had relatively more rights than other women in the world Muhammad’s teachings made the place of women even more secure The Quran stresses modesty for both men and women During Muhammad’s lifetime, his wives wore Hijab After Muhammad’s death, other women adopted Hijab
When Islam expanded, outside influences made worse the treatment of women Mesopotamian traditions denied basic rights to women – the were considered property Persians generally did not accept this – Persian Women continue to be treated better than many Muslim women Today women in Islamic countries often have restrictions placed on them and few rights In some societies they cannot drive a car In some societies they cannot go out in public alone In some societies they are denied education In some societies they cannot own property