Growth and Development By: Mrs. McCann Personal and Family Development
Chronological Growth Everyone ages, we all have birthdays. Questions 1.What was your favorite age? 2.Why?
Physical Growth We all grow physically until we reach our mature adult body. Girls (9 y.o.) mature faster than boys (11 y.o.) Questions 1.How does the different rate of maturity affect teens? 2.Can your growth be influenced? 3.How do hormones affect growth?
Emotional Growth Maturing is emotional growth. During adolescence you will experience mood swings. This is due to hormones. “No man is an island!” Think of the Tom Hanks movie “Castaway!” He developed a relationship with a volleyball he named Wilson! The way people express their feelings.
Questions 1.I like to be with my friends when it comes to.. ? 2. I like to be different from my friends when it comes to...? 3.I like it when my friends... ? 4.Teens worry about... ? 5. Growing up is hard because... ? 6. Teens are sensitive about... ?
Intellectual Growth People continue to learn and grow intellectually all throughout their life. People develop the ability to reason and think complex thoughts. A stimulating environment promotes intellectual growth.
Social Growth As you mature you also grow socially. People learn to take turns and share with others. Allows people to have good times with other people and to enjoy life.
Robert Havighurst A human development researcher Theory: Developmental Tasks All humans have development tasks that they must master. Each task mastered results in a sense of personal achievement and the desire to learn a new task.
Developmental Tasks for Teens 1.Accept your physique and use your body effectively. 2.Establish emotional independence from your parents and other adults. 3.Achieve new and more mature relations with age mates. 4.Adopt socially approved masculine/feminine adult roles.
continued Select and prepare for an occupation Develop a personal attitude toward marriage and family living Adopt personal behavior standards. Accept and adopt socially responsible behavior.
Abraham Maslow Another human development researcher with a different theory. Pyramid shaped icon to explain that the most basic needs are the base of human development. As those needs are met, a person can progress to the next level of development. People can move up and down the pyramid.
Maslow’s Pyramid Love and Acceptance: affection, support, praise Safety and Security: free from danger, risk or harm. Physical needs: food, clothing, shelter. Self Actualization/ Esteem
Self Actualization The top of the pyramid! All of your needs are met. You are able to independently operate as an adult in society. Also you are able to “give back” to society.