Table of Contents: 1. Proposal Instructions 2. Overview Instructions 3. Technical Instructions 4. Management and Cost Instructions 5. General Requirements 6. Project BALLOONSAT Timeline
Proposal Instructions: 1. Proposals need to be typed, 14 point, Times font, 1 inch margins, page number and team name in footer, and project name in header. 2. Proposal shall not exceed 6 pages, including cover sheet 3. Proposal must include the following: - Drawings of idea - Schedule of design, build, and test dates - Budget, itemized with total - What do you expect to prove 4. Example Outline for Proposal: Overview and Mission Statement Technical Overview Management and Cost Overview 5. Proposal must be written in MS Word. 6. Please send proposal via email to Chris Koehler. All pictures, budgets and schedules must be included in the electronic copy. Size is limited to 3MB.
Overview Instructions: 1. State Your Design Concept Concisely (Mission Statement) 2. Explain Why You Want To Do What Your Team Is Proposing 3. Propose What You Plan To Discover Technical Instructions: 1. Discuss you design 2. Illustrate you design and how it will work 3. Discuss the hardware you will need 4. Discuss how your team will build your concept and who will do what 5. Discuss how your team will test your design 6. Discuss your launch program 7. Discuss how you will keep people from getting hurt 8. Include any special features of your design 9. Include launch site summary of events and include picture of the operations.
Management and Cost Instructions: 1. Discuss how your team will meet the launch date. 2. You proposal should include a schedule of events, such as: - Complete design - Get all hardware - Prototyping design - Testing final design 3. Discuss what each team member's role is in your group. 4. You should include a brief description of each team member. Include phone numbers, school, addresses, special skills, etc. 5. Discuss how your team will keeping its budget 6. You should include a detailed and itemized budget
General Design Requirements: Design must take internal and external temperature data in-flight and at the landing site and a minimum of one of the following items: GPS, Radio Control and/or communication, Pressure data, wind speed data, imagery, UV measurements, IR measurements, video, altitude, limited propulsion, inter-BALLOONSAT communication and other (if approved by Chris) Design must land upright. Units are in metric Design must meet requirements drawing and allow for attachment to balloon hardware. Design may be made with aluminum but foam core is permitted with aluminum foil skin. Must meet attachment guidelines as outlined on last sheet of this document. Design may not exceed a total weight of 500 g and must a volume greater than 1,000 cm3. Total cost should not exceed $300.00 Launch day is April 20, 2002. Back up date is April 21, 2002. Time and location: 7:00 AM in Deer Trail, CO. (Hopefully, Windsor, CO) Launch schedule will be given later. Everyone is expected to show up on launch day. Only one member from each team is required to participate in the recovery. Budget should include some spare parts No one can get hurt All hardware is the property of the University of Colorado and must be returned for reimbursement. All receipts required for reimbursement. All BalloonSat’s must contain contact information in the event it is lost. Include Team Name, Chris Koehler, 303-492-4750 Reimbursements given only on launch day. Have fun and be creative. Absolutely nothing alive will be permitted as payloads, with the exception of yellow jackets, mosquitoes, fire ants, or earwigs.
Project CUBESAT Timeline: March 6, 2002 Proposals due @ 1:45 PM MST. March 11, 2002 Comments will be given back to team via one on one meeting with Chris and Authority to Proceed (ATP) will be given after meeting. March 20, 2002 Team Presentations. April 17, 2002 Internal Team Readiness Review. April 19, 2002 Launch Readiness Review Industry will be present. April 20, 2002 Launch day (Bad weather dates include 4/21, 4/27, and 4/28) May 1, 2002 Final reports are due. Each team will have 5 to 7 minutes to present their results. Reports must be turned in. Industry will be present.
Alternate 8 Preferred 8 8 EOSS GPS & telemetry EOSS Cutdown / CW Beacon 6 x CU Balloonsats spaced 12” 1.8 m diam parachute latex balloon 1200 gm Balloonsat, <10 cm, <500 gm >5mm ID Eyebolts Alternate 8 2.4mm braided Dacron line Preferred 8 8 Anti-abrasion bushings, 3.6~5.5 mm ID, top and bottom. Figure-8 knots, top & bottom.