Elements and principles Line Colour Shape Texture Space Form Tone Unity Balance Scale Repetition Movement Contrast Different resources will list different elements and principles of art and design. This list covers the elements and principles that are most commonly referred to when analysing artwork. Suggest that descriptive words, including art terminology, is included in a discussion of the elements and principles and that a word bank resource is developed for the art classroom.
Davida Allen Death of my father 1981-1982 Get half the class to write a short description and the other half to write an interpretation. 5 minutes. Then get the half that wrote the description to provide an interpretation and compare their response with the group who went immediately to interpretation. Different?
Mt Lawley Rooftop Shaun Tan 2001
Note placement of sculpture in the exhibition space. Note plinth. Manta Ray James Angus 2005
Burning Ayer Rosemary Lainge 2003 Take note of titles of artworks. How has Lainge created an impression of scale in the artwork? Burning Ayer Rosemary Lainge 2003
Compare contrast essay: exam brief Visual analysis Meaning and purpose Personal response Analyses and evaluates Interprets and comments on structure, purpose, ideas, issues, beliefs, emotions, attitudes and/or values
Compare contrast schema Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis) subject matter composition, other Paragraph 2: Comparison a (Topic 1&2) subject matter Paragraph 3: Comparison b (Topic 1&2)composition Paragraph 4: Comparison c (Topic 1&2) Paragraph 5: Contrast a (Topic 1&2) Paragraph 6: Contrast b (Topic 1&2) Paragraph 7: Contrast c (Topic 1&2) Paragraph 8: Conclusion summary of above (including all that was mentioned in the first paragraph)
Above: A Closer Winter Tunnel David Hockney 2006 Left: Elioth Gruner Spring Frost 1919
Compare and contrast Gruner and Hockney Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis) subject matter (rural scene), composition, style-created by application and use of colour, intent and purpose) Paragraph 2: Comparison a (Topic 1&2) subject matter Paragraph 3: Comparison b (Topic 1&2)composition Paragraph 4: Comparison c (Topic 1&2) Paragraph 5: Contrast a (Topic 1&2)style and use of colour Paragraph 6: Contrast b (Topic 1&2)intent Paragraph 7: Contrast c (Topic 1&2)purpose Paragraph 8: Conclusion summary of above (including all that was mentioned in the first paragraph)
Man absorbed in landscape John Olsen 1966 Compare and contrast subject matter and composition – both are similar What are the major differences? Man absorbed in landscape John Olsen 1966 Courtship rejected – a joke Limpi PuntungkaTjapangati 1974
Above: The bathers Anne Zahalka 1989 Right: Summer at Red Bluff Beach Fred Williams 1969 Some compare and contrast artworks are only similar in a single respect. In this instance it’s subject matter. What are the differences? Identify at least three. Look closely at Zahalka’s artwork, why do you think she has shown the edge of the painted backdrop in her photo? What about the ethnicity of her subjects? How has Williams suggested the seaside? Have a look at some other works by Williams? What comment could you make about his style and technique?
Above: Holiday sketch at Coogee Tom Roberts 1888 Right: Summer at Red Bluff Beach Fred Williams 1969 These two artworks have more similarities than the previous two. What are they? What about differences? Are the differences similar to or different from the previous two artworks?
The Milkmaid Jans Vermeer 1658 The Cook Anne Zahalka 1989 The Milkmaid Jans Vermeer 1658 Willem Heda Still life with silver pitcher and pastry Once you start to base the beginning of your discussion of similarities and differences on subject matter and composition you should be able to compare and contrast a range of different artworks that share some aspects and are very different in others. Note the title of artwork. Note the date of artwork – both often contain important contextual information. Killing Time Ricky Swallow 2003-04
Case study essay: exam brief Visual analysis Meaning and purpose Personal response Social/cultural/historical context/s Critical and historical understandings With reference to more than one artwork by an artist/artists from case study research
The artwork contains the evidence to answer the question Visual analysis in the case study question should reinforce the interpretation. Personal response refers to discussing and justifying opinions. Personal response may also include judgement about the ability of the artist/s to communicate his/her intent
STYLE Subject matter Methods and materials (including technique) Determines individual style Subject matter + methods and materials often determine a collective style eg Impressionism