D ETECTIVE The General career I would like to pursue in life is to work with the law enforcement. What I like about this field is that its all about team work and getting the case solve. In this career I would like to be a undercover detective because I would like to solve a problem or a crime on my own to show that I'm good at my job. I'm attracted to this field cause my grandma and grandpa was both detective and I feel as if I needed to know things I could ask them fro there guideless
Well my job as a detective we will be a suitable job for me my personal strengths will also help as in I can figure out stuff pretty quick I always put 2 and 2 together also I have a way getting to people and make them confess everything. I know I will like it cause this have always been a career I was interested in as a little kid the duties of my job is take pictures, gather physical evidence, and interview witnesses at crime scenes gather pictures, interview witness at the crime scene identify suspects Job Description
2 year college (technical training ) 4 year college or university 20 years of age Most be a police officer Most need high school diploma most be able to run if needed so Training & /or Educational Requirements
My job as detective is most prevalent every where my job outlook is a very difficult job you have to be prepared for anything and everything. One thing that will affect my job growth is being dis honest and not doing what I suppose to be doing J OB MARKET
A DVANTAGES A ND D ISADVANTAGES A big disadvantages of this job you putting your life in danger also you really don’t have a schedule that means if you get call in you got to go plus you get to work up to 40 hours a week a advantages is you learn a lot from the cases. The least thing I don’t really like about it cause you don’t have a time schedule. If I was to lose my job I could always drop back down to a police officer. Yes the way stuff is going around the world they need to re lack up on detectives
S ALARY O PPORTUNITIES Starting off I will make a hour but after a few years and I get more improve I will make an hour. Yes the salary goes up 11 dollars and some change
A DVANCEMENT O PPORTUTIES Well really I get called to go out of town if I get called to go on a private case. No I don’t want to advance to anything I like the job that I'm choosing. It will all benefit me later on cause if I do a good job I could move on up too CSI. As long as I went to a four year college and was a police officer for a couple years there is nothing else I have to do.
B ENEFITS O FFERED I get my own health care blue cross. I cant just get holidays off there is no time schedule to request for a day off. I don’t get life insurance for free I got to pay for it.
C ONCLUSION Yes I'm not going back on my word I had this same dream every since I was younger my whole mind set was focus on this I'm not doing this job for the money but I'm doing because of the money I'm doing because this is something I love and I know I will I wont let no one get in my way a lot of people say they wont talk to me if I become a detective but that doesn’t affect me and no type of way I'm just going to do my job and achieve my goals