Electronic Serials Management VIVA Content Linking Workshop May 22, 2003 Jamie Redwine, Hollins Univ Leslie O’Brien, VA Tech
Overview E-Serials Management Issues The products Discussion: Current Issues How can VIVA help?
E-serials Management an A-Z list of library’s FT electronic access journals and print holdings (optional) tool to organize holdings, subscriptions, presentation, etc. the first step towards the D2D vision
D2D Scale Stage I: OPAC access to print holdings and some online journals Stage II: OPAC access to print and separate online lists of journals available electronically Stage III: Journal title level access to online journals from OPAC, online lists & aggregator databases Stage IV: Article level access between aggregator databases
What do patrons want? To know which journals the library has access to To determine if full text is available To easily get to the full-text
Issues for libraries Managing serial titles Changes, adds, drops, overlap How to represent titles to the user Cohesive, comprehensive, integrated list How to judge effectiveness of our online collections Usage, avoid duplication, accuracy of links & info How to maximize full-text availability to the end user
Serials Management Services Jake (Yale University) SerialsSolutions TDNet Gold Rush (CARL) EBSCO A-Z Journal Finder (UNC-Greensboro)
SerialsSolutions - Products A-Z title lists MARC records Article Linker Journal Linker Data Management Service
TDNet Products Electronic and print journals Catalog Maintenance Service Statistics Reports Generator Passwords and access codes for libraries & consortia Customized SDI current awareness profiles Local searching of current TOCs
EBSCO A-Z EBSCO A-Z Electronic Journal Service LinkSource link resolver
Survey Results – Fall 2002 33 respondents 29 libraries offering web-based list of electronic journal titles 48% already using an e-serials mgt service 87% using Serials Solutions 88% using or considering
Where are we now? What’s the most difficult part of e- serials management? What needs are being met by e- serials management products? What products are we interested in? Using? What’s working, what’s not?
How can VIVA help? Current awareness and information sharing Training and workshops Vendor partnerships Negotiate deals with specific vendors Create a union list Explore open source options