控制與訊號處理實驗室成果簡介 指導教授 陳博現教授 本實驗室研究主題主要分為三類:第一類為非線性隨機控制及量子系統 控制應用。第二類是訊號處理及無線通訊應用。第三類是整合訊號及控制 在系統生物學及生物資訊的應用。相關研究成果分類介紹如下: 一、非線性隨機控制設計及量子系統追蹤控制 :( 最近成果及目前進行研究 ) 1.B. S. Chen and W. Zhang, "Stochastic H2/H∞ control with state-dependent noise," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp , C. L. Lin, H. Z. Hung, Y. Y. Chen and B. S. Chen, "Development of an integrated fuzzy-logic-based missile guidance law against high speed target," IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp , Y. C. Chang and B. S. Chen, “Intelligent robust tracking controls for holonomic and nonholonomic mechanical systems using only position measurements,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, No.4, pp , W. Zhang and B. S. Chen, “State feedback H∞ control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems,” SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp , B. S. Chen, F. Hsu, W. H. Chen and W. Zhang, Robust H∞ tracking control of quantum systems under disturbance,” IEEE Trans. Control System Technology (revised). 二、訊號處理及無線通訊 : 整合控制及訊號處理在無線通訊功率控制等應用 1.T. J. Ho & B. S. Chen, “Novel extended Viterbi-based multiple-model algorithms for state estimation of discrete-time systems with Markov jump parameters,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 54, No. 2, , B. K. Lee, Y. H. Chen and B. S. Chen, “Robust H∞ power control for CDMA cellular communication systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing Vol. 54, No. 10, , T. J. Ho and B. S. Chen, “Tracking of dispersive DS-CDMA channels: An AR-embedded modified interacting nultiple-model approach,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp , B. S. Chen, B. K. Lee and Y. H. Chen, “Power control for CDMA cellular radio system via L1 optimal predictor,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication, Vol. 5, No. 10, , J. F. Liao and B. S. Chen, “Robust mobile location estimator with NLOS mitigation using interacting multiple model algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication, Vol. 5, No. 11, , 三、系統生物學與生物資訊研究 : 整合控制系統及訊號處理在生物基因網路 建構及藥物應用 1.Y. H. Chang, Y. C. Wang, and B. S. Chen, “Identification of transcription factor cooperativity via stochastic system model” Bioinformatics, Vol.22, No.18, pp , Supplementary information. 2.W. S. Wu, W. H. Li, and B. S. Chen, “Computational reconstruction of transcriptional regulatory modules of the yeast cell cycle” BMC Bioinformatics 7:421, C. W. Li, Y. H. Chu, and B. S. Chen, “Construction and clarification of dynamic gene regulatory network of cancer cell cycle via microarray data” Cancer Informatics, 2, , Supplementary information. 4.B. S. Chen, W. S. Wu, W. S. Wu, and W. H. Li, “On the adaptive design rules of biochemical network in evolution” Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 2, 27–39, B. S. Chen and C. W. Li, “Analyzing microarray data in drug discovery using systems biology” Expert Opinion of Drug Discovery (in press).