VDOE Updates VESA Meeting October 1, 2015 Stacy Freeman, Title III Specialist Office of Program Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education
In 2013, VDOE contracted with the WIDA Consortium to conduct an analysis of Virginia’s ACCESS for ELLs student performance data and provide recommendations for future AMAO 1 and 2 targets. Recommended AMAO 1 and 2 targets were approved by the Virginia Board of Education Board in November 2014 and submitted to the U.S. Department of Education (USED) for review.
Title III AMAOs USED recommended revisions to the proposed AMAO 1 and AMAO 2 targets in the spring of The proposed targets currently under consideration by USED are provided in the chart below. Proposed AMAO 1 and 2 Targets Accountability Year (Assessment Year) AMAO 1 Progress AMAO 2 Proficiency ( ) 69% 15.6% ( ) TBD* ( ) TBD* * Pending analysis of data from the online administration of ACCESS for ELLs
Title III AMAOs The proposed AMAO 2 Proficiency targets are based on expanding the English language proficiency criteria to LEP students who: 1) test on Tier B and Tier C of the ACCESS for ELLs test; 2) achieve a Composite Score of 5.0 or above; and 3) achieve a Literacy Score of 5.0 or above.
Title III AMAOs The proposed targets have not yet been approved by USED. They remain under USED review. The existing English language proficiency criteria remain in place until further notice. VDOE is unable to calculate Title III accountability results until USED renders a final decision on the proposed targets.
Title III Funding
Superintendent’s Memo , released September 18, 2015, provides Title III, Part A, allocations. ntendents_memos/2015/ shtml
Title III Funding Three separate funding streams are available under Title III for the school year: Limited English Proficient Allocations (LEP Award); Standard Immigrant Children and Youth Allocations (Standard IY Award); and Supplemental Immigrant Children and Youth Allocations (Supplemental IY Award).
Title III Funding Divisions should refer to Superintendent’s Memo for Title III division allocations and instructions on submitting applications for all three funding streams under Title III, Part A. Divisions in the Title III statewide consortium should refer to the final tab of the Division Budget Workbook for adjusted Title III allocations based on consortium membership. The Division Budget Workbook was sent to member divisions via on September 18, 2015.
Title III Funding “Understanding Title III, Part A, Funding and Applications” conference call scheduled for: October 6, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. During this call, Department staff will review the allocation of limited English proficient (LEP) funds and Immigrant Children and Youth (IY) funds under Title III, Part A, and the process for applying for these funds.
Title III Funding Title III Statewide Consortium The applications for Title III funding are due October 16, An with submission instructions and application materials was forwarded to Title III coordinators of member divisions on September 18, A technical assistance webinar on submitting consortium funding applications was provided on September 22.
Title III Funding Supplemental IY Funds The 2015 Congressional Appropriations Act authorized additional IY funds to states with divisions where 50 or more unaccompanied children were placed in Virginia was one of the states receiving this one-time supplemental IY award for
Title III Funding Supplemental IY Funds Virginia awarded these funds to all divisions that received a standard IY award Increased funding was awarded to divisions reported as receiving 50 or more unaccompanied children in The process to apply for these funds is outside of the OMEGA system. The supplemental IY funds were assigned a separate project code.
Title III Funding Divisions receiving a supplemental IY award must submit a separate IY application. Instructions for applying for supplemental IY funds is described in Superintendent’s Memo Supplemental IY funding separate applications from qualifying divisions are due by October 16, 2015.
Title III University
The VDOE Title III team will provide technical assistance webinars during the school year Topics will address compliance with federal provisions for the education of English language learners. These sessions are designed especially for new Title III coordinators with experience of three years or less.
Title III University All sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. and the duration of each session will be about 60 minutes. Session TitleDate Foundations of Title III, Part A (Part 1) Thursday September 24, 2015 Foundations of Title III, Part A (Part 2) Thursday October 8, 2015 Immigrant Children and Youth Funds Under Title III, Part A Thursday October 22, 2015 Preparing for Federal Program Monitoring Thursday November 5, 2015 Strategies to Improve Graduation Rates For ELLs Thursday December 17, 2015
Title III University All sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. and the duration of each session will be about 60 minutes. Session Title Date Identification, Screening, and Placement of ELLs Thursday January 14, 2016 LEP Student Participation in Statewide Assessments Thursday January 28, 2016 Title III Equitable Services for Private Schools Thursday February 11, 2016 Understanding Title III Funding Thursday April 7, 2016 Using Title III Data for Program Improvement Thursday May 12, 2016
Title III University The Title III University schedule for can be found at: le3/title3-university_schedule_15-16.pdf
Virginia Department of Education Title III Contacts Veronica Tate Director Program Administration and Accountability (804) Judy Radford, ESL Professional Development Coordinator (804) Stacy Freeman, Title III Specialist (804) Shyla Vesitis Title I/Title III Specialist (804) Christopher Kelly Education Specialist (804)