Chapter 27 Outline Mr. Gaydos April 29, 2014
Chapter 27 Outline Major Topics I. Introduction II. Early Concepts of Light III. The Speed of Light IV. Electromagnetic Waves V. Light and Transparent Materials VI. Opaque Materials VII. Shadows VIII. Polarization IX. Polarized Light and 3D Viewing
Chapter 27 Outline I. Introduction: Light is a form of radiation that makes up a relatively small part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum that many life forms on Earth can detect.
II. Early Concepts of Light, (Section 27.1) A. Ancient Scientists, 1. Light was composed of particles. 2. Travels from eyes to the objects then back. B. Christian Huygens provides evidence light does behaves like waves. C. Einstein’s Photo-electric Theory 1. Light consists of bundles massless particles (photons) 2. Light: concentrated Electromagnetic Energy D. Dual Nature of Light: Consists of particles called photons that behave like waves in certain circumstances E. Important Terms. 1. Diffraction: 2. Photo-electric effect 3. Photons
Chapter 27 Outline III. The Speed of Light, (Section 27.2) A. Light is fast but speed is finite (has a limit) B. Speed of light = 3x10^8 m/sec. or 186,000 miles/sec. C. Important Terms. 1. Light Year: 3x10^8 m/sec x 60 sec/min x60 min/hr. x 24hr/day x 365 day/yr 9.5 x 10^15 meters/yr. or 5.8 trillion miles/yr.
Chapter 27 Outline IV. Electromagnetic Waves, (Section 27.3) A. Light: energy emitted by accelerating electric charges. B. Light Travel: 1. travels in Electromagnetic waves. 2. travels in Straight Lines C. We can “see” light from red (lowest frequency) to violet (the highest frequency) D. Important Terms. 1. Electromagnetic Wave 2. Electromagnetic Spectrum 3. infrared 4. Ultraviolet
Chapter 27 Outline V. Light and Transparent Materials (Section 27.4) A. Incident light: causes atoms to vibrate B. Light Travel in Mediums 1. As each atom vibrates, energy is transmitted to next atom 2. Takes time for to travel through medium 3. Delay results in Slower speed in mediums than “c” (3 x 10^8 m/s) C. Transparent Materials 1. Materials that allow light to pass through in straight lines. 2. Examples: Clear Glass, Water, Some Crystals
Chapter 27 Outline VI. Opaque Materials (Section 27.5) A. Materials that absorb light without re- emitting it. B. Incident light: still results in vibration of atoms, BUT C. Vibrations result in material becoming random kinetic energy… D. Increase in Internal Energy, they get warmer E. Examples: Wood, Stone, Rocks, People, Clothes, Metals
Glass Will pass visible (Red through violet) light but Will not pass Ultraviolet or Infrared…Why – At these frequencies (IR & UV) the glass absorbs the energy and does not re-emit it. – It is __________ to these frequencies – But ___________ to visible light.
Chapter 27 Outline VII. Shadows (Section27.6) A. Beams of Light 1. Travel in straight Lines 2. Thin Beams called Rays 3. Wide Beams contain Bundles of Rays B. Shadow 1. Result when Rays blocked from reaching an object 2. Total Shadow: Umbra 3. Partial Shadow: Penumbra C. Examples 1. Hand between Bright Light & one’s Eyes 2. Solar Eclipse 3. Lunar Eclipse 4. Planetary Transit (Venus 2004)
Solar Eclipse The Moon is between Earth & the Sun creating a Shadow on the Earth
Partial Solar Eclipse April 28 – 28, 2014 Annular Ring Eclipse
Partial Solar Eclipse April 28 – 28, 2014 As seen in Australia
Lunar Eclipse The Earth is between the Sun & the Moon Blood Moon: – What is this? – What causes this?
Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014
IX. Polarization