International Transport Workers’ Federation - ITF Who We Are: The Work Presentation for Young Transport Workers Summer School WWW Placid Harbor, July 2015
ITF Statistics all transport modes > 700 unions ~ 160 countries ~ 10 M workers > 100 years old 1/10 global unions International Transport Workers Federation
How the ITF operates Departments Executive Board Regional OfficesIndustrial Sections Congress
ITF Civil Aviation Rail Tourism Services Seafarers Inland Navigation FisheriesDockersRoad The ITF’s industrial sections
The ITF’s global reach Rio de Janeiro (LA) Delhi (AP) Tokyo (AP) Amman (AR) Sydney Ouagadogou (AF) Brussels (EU) Nairobi (AF) London (HQ)
Challenges for transport workers Privatisation Liberalisation Competition Working conditions deteriorate Jobs become precarious Unions get weakened Not only national but regional and global Some workers more vulnerable than others
The ITF responds Solidarity Representation Campaigning Organising Networking Education HIV/Aids work
Strong unions need women The ITF supports increasing women’s participation “Women Transporting the World” “Anti-Sexism” in Aviation Section Fight violence against women
Strong unions need youth Congress 2006 initiated youth work Congress 2010 changed constitution Congress 2014 biggest ever Lead: young transport workers committee Sectoral reps Regional reps General reps Co-chairs on Executive