Hit Efficiency Study Yukio FUJIYAMA (Tokyo Tech)
Definition of Hit Efficiency Definition Number of the intersections of tracks (Rec_TRK) with layers →denominator Coincidence of clusters in table (RecSVD_Cluster_select) →numerator
Hit efficiency study I calculated the hit efficiency with the data of no- background. 1 st layer 0.888± nd layer 0.890± rd layer 0.916± th layer 0.889±0.002 There is no difference of hit efficiency between layers.
Residual Distribution I checked residual distribution of localx and localz for each occupancy. Definition DSSD localx localz Track I estimated residual Cluster position (RecSVD_Cluster_Select) Cluster position I estimated
Residual Distribution Low occupancy : occupancy<5% High occupancy : occupancy>20% Sigma Low occupancyHigh occupancy × × × × × × × ×10 -2 Sigma Low occupancyHigh occupancy × × × × × × × ×10 -2 N-side P-side I used gaussian fit. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th
Summary I calculated the hit efficiency with the data of no- background. There is no difference of hit efficiency between layers. There is no doubt that the value of efficiency decrease because of the high occupancy. I checked residual distribution of localx and localz for each occupancy. The sigma of gaussian fit for low occupancy is better than that for high occupnacy.