EPNM-2012 Energometall Inc. St.Petersburg, Russia V.S.Vakin Explosive Welding of Steels with Al-Mg and Ti Alloys: Comparative Analysis Сравнительный анализ сварки алюминиево- магниевых и титановых сплавов и сталей Биметалл и металлопрокат для ® Bimetal and metal products for mechanical engineering
Previous Conclusions 1.In case of direct joining of AlMg6, bonding strength of this joint is achieved due to an intermetalic interlayer, and high homogeneity of such joint depends on thickness of this interlayer. 2.In case of direct joining of AlMg6 covered with pure Aluminum, bonding strength of this joint is achieved due to this covering layer, which is presented in a tempered condition. 3. The difficulty in obtaining of a joint of AlMg6 with carbon or stainless steel is explained by a considerable difference in heating temperatures of each layer and by a considerable difference in the speed rate of heat transfer between the layers.
4. In order to obtain an appropriate bond of AlMg6 and steel on a sufficient area, it is necessary to use an interlayer which should be a ductile material of the sufficient heat conductivity. 5. Practical value of the direct joint of AlMg6 and steel for the wide industrial application is not evident.
Results Parameters Tear test of cladding layer for combination AISI321+AlMg6 Statistics F, at distruction point Fmax F, at distruction point Preload Testing rate
Shear test of bi-metal for combination AISI321+AlMg6 Parameters Preload Testing rate Results F, at distruction point Fmax F, at distruction point Statistics
Localization of Intermetallics in the Peripheral Part of Bi-metal Plate AlMg6-Steel Локализация интерметаллидов в периферийной части биметаллического листа AlMg6-сталь
Formation of Local cracks in the Peripheral Part of Bi-metal Plate AlMg6-Steel Образование локальных трещин в периферийной части биметаллического листа AlMg6-сталь
Increase of Local Cracks in the Peripheral Part of Bi-metal Plate AlMg6-Steel Укрупнение локальных трещин в периферийной части биметаллического листа AlMg6-сталь
Characteristics for Titanium alloy grade PT-3V (ПТ-3В) FeCSiVNTiAlZrOHImpurity max 0.25 max 0.1 max max max 0.3 max 0.15 max other 0.3 Chemical composition in % for grade PT-3V ( ПТ-3В ) Mechanical properties under Т=20 o С for grade PT-3V (ПТ-3В) AssortmentDimensionDirect.sвsв sTsT d5d5 yKCU Heat treatment -mm-MPa %kJ / m 2 - Plate, GOST Annealing
Tear test of cladding layer for combination Titanium PT3V + 09G2S Испытания на отрыв плакирующего слоя PT3V + 09G2S F max F, at distruction point NrMPa Series F max F, at distruction point n=5MPa x s48,347,3 n19,0318,91 Statistics Results
Shear test of cladding layer for combination Titanium PT3V + 09G2S Испытания на срез биметалла Titanium PT3V + 09G2S F макс F при разрушении NrMPa , SerieF макс F при разрушении n = 6MPa x s32,2211 6,6664,25
PT3V-Steel Gr.1-Steel ВТ1-0 –Steel («PROMETEI»)
Macrostructure of a Single Wave of Combination PT3V-Steel Микроструктура единичной волны соединения PT3V-сталь
Zones with Intermetallics Inside of a Single Wave of Combination PT3V-Steel Зоны интерметаллидов внутри единичной волны соединения PT3V-сталь
Project 1 Project: Project 1 Owner: INCA Site: Site of Interest 1 Sample: Sample 1 Type: Default ID: Processing option : All elements(Normalised) Number of iterations = 3 Standards : Fe Ka Fe_20kV V Ka V_20kV Ti Ka Ti_20kV Zr La Zr_20kV Al Ka y_20kV Label : WD Data 49 Acquistion conditions : kV = 20.0 Tilt = 0.0 degs Azimuth = 0.0 degs Elevation = 30.0 degs Effective take off angle = 30.0 degs Elementk RatioWeight% IntensityAtomic% SigmaCorrn. Fe Ka V Ka Ti Ka Zr La Al Ka Totals
Project 1 Project: Project 1 Owner: INCA Site: Site of Interest 1 Sample: Sample 2 Type: Default ID: Processing option : All elements(Normalised) Number of iterations = 2 Standards : Fe Ka Fe_20kV V Ka V_20kV Ti Ka Ti_20kV Zr La Zr_20kV Al Ka y_20kV Label : WD Data 50 Acquistion conditions : kV = 20.0 Tilt = 0.0 degs Azimuth = 0.0 degs Elevation = 30.0 degs Effective take off angle = 30.0 degs Elementk RatioWeight% IntensityAtomic % SigmaCorrn. Fe Ka V Ka Ti Ka Zr La Al Ka Totals
Project 1 Project: Project 1 Owner: INCA Site: Site of Interest 1 Sample: Sample 3 Type: Default ID: Processing option : All elements(Normalised) Number of iterations = 2 Standards : Fe Ka Fe_20kV V Ka V_20kV Ti Ka Ti_20kV Zr La Zr_20kV Al Ka y_20kV Label : WD Data 51 Acquistion conditions : kV = 20.0 Tilt = 0.0 degs Azimuth = 0.0 degs Elevation = 30.0 degs Effective take off angle = 30.0 degs Elementk RatioWeight% IntensityAtomic% SigmaCorrn. Fe Ka V Ka Ti Ka Zr La Al Ka Totals
Model of Deformational Heating-up of Cladding and Base Plates at the Point of Contact Модель деформационного разогрева плакирующего и базового листов в зоне контакта
k hg = Factor of deformational heat generation k hg =Rm / ρ ( kJ/kg) Rm - tensile strength ρ - density