Unit 1 – The Leisure Industry Today
What do we mean by the range, scale and importance of the leisure industry?
The Big Picture
Research sources of information that discuss either the range, scale or importance of the leisure industry within the UK and the rest of Europe Agree the learning outcomes
What I am looking for: Level 1 - provide a simplistic or limited definition of the leisure industry Level 2 - provide a clear definition of the leisure industry plus some examples to show range, scale and importance. Level 3 - give a detailed definition of the leisure industry, supported by a range of examples to show the range, scale and importance of the leisure industry. Level 4 - give a thorough definition of the leisure industry, supported by a wide range of examples to show range, scale and importance.
dida/using_ict/webresearchrev6.shtml dida/using_ict/webresearchrev6.shtml
Find sources of information that discuss the area of the report you are responsible for researching. These should be both paper based and IT sources of information. You can find out more information on the WIKI. Add the sources to the WIKI – Write a brief overview about what information the sources contain.