Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Chérif Ghaly OCHA, Geneva ( “Telecommunications save lives ” Y. Utsumi, SG, ITU
21 November 2005Emergency Telecommunications Cluster2 ETC Structure Process Owner OCHA - Coordination, preparedness & initial response planning Service Providers UNICEF - Common Data Services (Internet Connectivity, Wireless, Internet Hotspots) WFP - Common Security Telecommunications Emergency Telecommunications
21 November 2005Emergency Telecommunications Cluster3 Strategy elements: (e.g. Governance, Communications, Interoperability, Sustainability) Planning & Preparedness measures: Timely and Predictable response capacity Clearly defined services and timelines (1, 3, 8 and 9 weeks) Based on Inter-Agency Emergency Telecommunications (IAET) humanitarian common service. Emergency Telecommunications
21 November 2005Emergency Telecommunications Cluster4 Required capacity currently does not exist. IAET relies on best effort approach with long delays Existing capacities mappings for UN, NGOs, standby partners and the private sector preparedness and implementation plan/activities Requirements for 2007 and beyond Funding requirements for 3 major emergencies (500,000 beneficiaries) in of which could overlap Services provided by multiple individual agencies Especially benefit organizations with smaller operations Emergency Telecommunications
21 November 2005Emergency Telecommunications Cluster5 Preparedness for dedicated capacity In 2006:$6,680,000 (incl. Initial pre-positioned stocks) In 2007+:$3,507,000 est. recurring/year Per emergency$3,255,000 (6 months & 5 operational sites) Immediate funding for stock replenishment to respond to overlapping emergencies ETC infrastructure is capital-intensive & directly related to number, locations, proximity & distribution of the operational areas Emergency Telecommunications Funding Requirements
21 November 2005Emergency Telecommunications Cluster6 Appeal funding required at an early stage for deployment of staff and equipment and preparation for next emergency Asset-tracking, charge-back mechanisms, etc Aligning IAET and ETC processes Links/dependencies with WGET Emergency Telecommunications Outstanding Issues