“I Will Lift Up” Verse 1: I will lift up my hands and praise the Name of the Lord forever. I will lift up my voice and tell of the wonderful things He’s.


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Presentation transcript:

“I Will Lift Up” Verse 1: I will lift up my hands and praise the Name of the Lord forever. I will lift up my voice and tell of the wonderful things He’s done. I will lift up the banner of the Mighty King of Glory. I will lift up the Name of Jesus Christ the Holy One.

Bridge: I declare that He is worthy. He’s the only One worthy of glory. He is the King of Kings and He shall reign forever. I declare that He is able. He is willing and more than able to rule and reign on the throne of my heart forever and ever.

Chorus: I will rejoice! Sing unto the Lord! Clap my hands and make a joyful noise. For He has set me free From my sin and shame. I’m so glad I’ll never be the same again!

Verse 2: I will lift up my life a sacrifice that’s pure and holy. I will lift up my heart and open the door And ask Him in. I will lift up a song of thanks unto my soul’s Redeemer. I will lift up my every hope and dream and plan to Him.

Bridge: I declare that He is worthy. He’s the only One worthy of glory. He is the King of Kings and He shall reign forever. I declare that He is able. He is willing and more than able to rule and reign on the throne of my heart forever and ever.

Chorus: I will rejoice! Sing unto the Lord! Clap my hands and make a joyful noise. For He has set me free From my sin and shame. I’m so glad I’ll never be the same again! Words and Music by: W. Duane Clark ©1998, HPP Music Used with permission - CCLI License # HighestPraise.Com