GATHERING Welcome, Announcements Silent Preparation/ A Candle is lit Hymn: MV 2 “Come All You People Come” Prayer of the Day WORD Psalm 133 “Behold How.


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Presentation transcript:

GATHERING Welcome, Announcements Silent Preparation/ A Candle is lit Hymn: MV 2 “Come All You People Come” Prayer of the Day WORD Psalm 133 “Behold How Pleasant” VU 856 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 12:4-12 Sermon “Gifts of the Spirit; Portals of Grace” – Nan Hudson Silent Reflection TABLE Presentation Hymn VU 460 “All Who Hunger” Invitation and Peace Communion VU 588 “Many are the Lightbeams” The Lord’s Prayer and Post-Communion Prayer GOING FORTH Recessional Hymn: MV 145 “Draw the Circle Wide” Commissioning and Blessings

... silent preparation...

Gathering Hymn Hymn: MV 2 “Come All You People” Prayer of the Day

WORD Psalm: 133 VU p. 856 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 12:4-12 One: For the Word of God in Scripture, For the Word of God among us, For the Word of God within us, All: Thanks be to God!

Sermon: “Gifts of the Spirit; Portals of Grace” -Nan Hudson

... silent reflection...

TABLE Communion Hymn: VU 460 “All Who Hunger”

TABLE Invitation & Peace: The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.

The Spirit of God be with you. And also with you. Turn to God, the source of life. We lift our hearts in prayer. Let us give thanks. We offer joyful thanks to God.

Source and Sustainer of life… … reconciled and renewed We praise you for your presence in and with your creation ever drawing it towarding healing and wholeness. In our joy you are our overflowing cup; In our need, you are our sustenance.

… we lift our voices Holy, Holy, Holy, God of Wisdom and Wonder Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in Your name. Hosanna in the highest.

... And Earth itself. We spread your table with these gifts of the Earth and of our labour. We present to you our very lives, committed to your service on behalf of all people.

... The mystery of faith: Jesus died. Christ is risen. Love has triumphed. Life returns.

... May they make us whole. Unite us at this table and strengthen us to live the resurrected life of Christ in the world.

... And those nearest and dearest to you Praise be to God, the Source of love! Praise be to Christ, Love incarnate! Praise be to the Spirit, Love’s power! Praise be to God! Amen The Lord’s Prayer VU p. 959

Music during Communion: “VU 588 Many are the Lightbeams” Gluten-free bread is available, please let your server know

Prayer after Communion Life-giving God, may we who gather at this table live Christ’s risen life; May we who share in this feast bring new life to others. (continued)

May we whom the Spirit lights give light to the world. Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us, that we and all you people shall be free, and all creation will live to praise your name. Amen.

GOING FORTH Recessional Hymn: MV 135 “Draw the Circle Wide” Commissioning and Blessing

Next week: October 21, 2015 Preaching will be Dr. Michel Bourgeios Presiding will be the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Janzen- Ball All material used with permission or under A