Let Love Reach Matt.9:36, ”But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” Friday, October 23 rd 7:00pm- Opening Service -Praise Team/Special Music -Missionary Report (Mike Grant) -Children’s Ministry (Gary Long) *Ice cream Sundaes for the kids! -Message (Dr. Harry Fletcher) (Games & Pizza for teens after -9:30) Saturday, October 24 th 5:00pm- Lasagna Dinner 6:30pm- Evening Service -Praise Team/Special Music -Missionary Report ( Otoniel G.) -Children’s Ministry (Gary Long) -Message (Dr. Harry Fletcher) Sunday, October 25 th -9:30am- Sunday School -Adults (Oto G.) Teens (Mike G.) -10:30am- Worship Service -Praise Team/Special Music -Missionary Report (Mike Grant) -Children’s Ministry (Gary Long) -Message (Dr. Harry Fletcher) -6pm- Closing Service Praise Team/Special Music -Missionary Reports (Gary & Oto) -Children’s Ministry (Gary Long) -Message (Dr. Harry Fletcher) DPBC 2015 Missions Festival Theme Song “A New Hallelujah” Can you hear, there's a new song Breaking out from the children of freedom Every race and every nation Sing it out, sing a new Hallelujah Let us sing love to the nations Bringing hope of the grace that has freed us Make it known and make Him famous Sing it out, sing a new Hallelujah Arise, let the church arise Let love reach to the other side Alive, come alive, Let the song arise Canada sings a new song Reaching out with a new Hallelujah Every son and every daughter Everyone sing a new Hallelujah 2015 DPBC Missions Festival October 23-25/15 Main Speaker- Dr. Harry Fletcher DEVON PARK BAPTIST CHURCH Senior Pastor- Rev. Terry Woodcock Youth Pastor- Micah Hiltz 145 Clark St. Fredericton, NB E3A 5J
Meet our speakers; Dr. Harry Fletcher (Main Speaker) Dr. Fletcher was a Good News chaplain at the Fairfax County Jail, Virginia from He has also served as a member of the board of directors for the ministry. From Dr. Fletcher served as President of Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, Maryland. He has ministered in most of the Bible Conferences on the East Coast and has visited mission fields in over sixty countries around the world. Harry has also served for twenty-five years as a senior pastor. Harry has been married for forty-six years to his wife Muriel. They have two married daughters. The Fletchers also have five grandsons, Graham, Kellan, Connor Heindel, Dante, and Eliano LaRocco. Otoniel Guanilo (Guest Missionary) Wife’s Name- Sarah Mission- ABWE Field- Argentina Ministries- Church Planters Mike Grant (Guest Missionary) Wife’s Name- Tilly Grant Mission- New Tribes Mission Field- Atlantic Canada Ministries- Recruiting missionaries Gary Long (Guest Missionary & Children’s Program Leader) Wife’s Name- Christina Mission- One Hope Canada Field- New Brunswick Ministries- Sandy Cove Bible Camp During each of our 4 main services over the weekend, Gary Long will be running a children’s program for ages 4-gr.5. There’s something for the whole family! Let Love Reach Special Offering! We’ll be taking up offerings that will go to help aid Syrian refugees. Money will be given through Partners to assist a local ministry called FEAL (Free Evangelical Church of Lebanon). Please consider giving above & beyond for these very needy families.