- looking for inspiration - Visual Music - looking for inspiration - Oskar Fischinger: a pencil sketch, part of ‘Fantasia’ development (1936)
Oskar Fischinger: Motion Painting (circa 1947)
Oskar Fischinger - Optical Poem (1938) (Film)
Oskar Fischinger 'Black and Blue' 1963
Oskar Fischinger ‘Sound painting’ 1951
Oskar Fischinger 'Time Travel 1' 1949
Oskar Fischinger 'Time Travel 2' 1949
Kandinsky: Black-violet - 1923
Kandinsky: Composition VIII, July 1923
Kandinsky: Succession, April 1935
Kandinsky: Thirty (Trente), 1937
Oskar Fischinger: Allegretto (1936) (Film)
Len Lye: (still from ‘Rainbow Dance’ 1936)
Len Lye Sketchbook with notes from Totem and Taboo c. 1926-7 Len Lye Sketchbook with notes from Totem and Taboo c. 1926-7. Ink on paper
Len Lye Sketchbook with notes from Totem and Taboo c. 1926-7 Len Lye Sketchbook with notes from Totem and Taboo c. 1926-7. Ink on paper
Len Lye Pond People c.1930. Batik
Len Lye Sun Slugs and Sea Snails (For Ann Lye) 1938
Len Lye: Rainbow Dance (1936) (Film)
Len Lye: Free Radicals (1958) (Film)
Norman Mclaren: Still from ’Blinkity Blank’ (1955)
Juan Miro: the nightingale’s song at midnight and the morning rain 1940
Juan Miro: Dialogue of the Insects (1925)
Juan Miro: Landscape (1925)
Juan Miro: Étoile-Bleue 1927 (Blue Star)
Juan Miro: Dancer 1925
Juan Miro: Blue 2 (1961)
Norman Mclaren: Dots 1948 (Film)
Free range Hens (modern footage) (Film)
Norman Mclaren: Hen Hop 1942 (Film)
Hy Hirsh: Chasse des Touches (1959) ‘The chase of brushstrokes’. (Film)
John Whitney - Arabesque (1975) early computer graphics (Film)
Run Wrake: Music For Babies (still from...) 1996.
Run Wrake: Music For Babies (1996) (Film)
Steamboat Willie – Walt Disney/Ub Iwerks 1928 (Film)
Art of Noise - Close (To The Edit) Director Matt Forrest 1984 (Film)
El Lissitzky - Beat The Whites
El Lissitzky - Painting, 1922
Fernand Leger - 1917 Soldiers Playing at Cards
Fernand Leger – Disques, 1918
Fernand Leger – Railway crossing, 1919
Further Reading / watching www.centerforvisualmusic.org Facebook page – for ‘Center for Visual Music’ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Center-for-Visual-Music/6429507219 www.iotacenter.org – Abstraction / Animation / Experimentation www.Michaelspornanimation.com/splog/?p=2409 (Fischinger at Disney) www.govettbrewster.com/lenlye/lenlye.aspx (Len Lye) www.nfbc.ca (National Filmboard of Canada) (Norman McLaren) www.runwrake.com – Run Wrake Book/s: Experimental Animation: Origins of a New Art: Russett & Starr (Da Capo Press)
Other selected Animators Historical. Jules Engels Robert Breer Mary Ellen Bute John Whitney James Whitney Harry Smith Today. Tony Comley Takashi Ohashi Dave Daniels Studio Ronda (Samba vid)
Important date: 16th Jan (Thursday) By this date, you will need to have produced a storyboard, to bring along to this session. You will learn how to turn your storyboard into an ‘animatic’; which is an edit of your intended animation, using still images and soundtrack, to work out timing.