Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Synthesis: Springs Management and Research Needs Mark Brown & Richard Hamann
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Introduction and Background : Nutrient Sources Fertilizer Use Livestock Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Discharges Septic Tanks Atmospheric Deposition
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Transport and Delivery : Direct discharge to surface waters Generation of stormwater runoff that flows to surface waters Generation of stormwater that percolates to groundwater Infiltration to groundwater (e.g., the leaching fertilizer, cattle Thus…potentials of management rainwater to a groundwater aquifer).
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Complex System of Controls : Federal– Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act State– Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Act Florida Water Resources Act Septic Tank Regulations Growth Management Acts Local- Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Regulations Other Local Environmental Regulations
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Potentials for management… 1 : Permitting of Wastewater Discharges Discharges to surface waters Discharges to ground waters Water Quality Standards (surface and ground water) “use” oriented Both numeric and narrative standards “… in no case shall nutrient concentrations of a body of water be altered so as to cause an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora or fauna”
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Potentials for management… 2 : Agricultural Discharges Confined feeding operations Agricultural BMPs (fertilizer & waste management) Stormwater Management (WMD) New construction 7 redevelopment only Land Use Planning & Regulation Primarily local government (Local Comp Planning) Total Maximum Daily Load Applicable to springs? …based on impairment Basin-wide assessments & Action Plans?
Allocations among stakeholders Listing of specific activities to achieve reductions Project initiation and completion timeliness Identification of funding opportunities Agreements Local ordinances Local water quality standards and permits Follow-up monitoring Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Potentials for management… 3 : Components of Basin-management Action Plans (B-MAPS)
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Uncertainties that affect management : Definition of the springsheds Relative importance of loadings near springs versus loadings far from springs The data used to calculate loadings from land uses (EMCs) Actual quality of recharge to the Floridian Aquifer The delay between present day actions and future impacts (legacy loading)
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Research Needs : Sources and Sinks Role of temporal and spatial variability Role of in-system sinks and potentials for saturation Spring Biota Understanding nutrient limitations Native, non-native and invasive interactions Ecosystem Functions Interactive effects of multiple stressors Top down/bottom up control effected by nutrients Impacts of “plant management”
Nutrient Effects on Springs Biota Thank You…Questions?