The Action kit of FYR ISIS Malignani
Introduction The “Book of the river” is not the final output of a FYR project It’s the starting point for an Action towards a “riverfriendly community”
Glossary Database of Terminology needed Action-Kit Presentation-Techniques, Line of Arguments,... Checklist for Analysis of River Catalogue of Criteria Qualifications of a riverfriendly Commmunity Results of Analysis of the Quality of the River Database of Multimedia-Resources (Texts, Audio, Video) Toolbox Tools for Online-Editing of Texts, Audio- and Video - Material Interactive Map of Rivers Motivation by Simulation Activate other Schools along the River Documentation (Monitoring and Evaluation): The Book of the River Presentation for Opinion- Leaders/ local Decision Makers List of Requirements for being qualified as a riverfriendly Community Riverfriendly Community en Route
Importance of monitoring “The Water Framework Directive calls for the protection and restoration of clean water across Europe. A key step in this process is for Member States to gauge the health of their surface waters and groundwater through national monitoring programmes. Monitoring is the main tool used by Member States to classify the status of each water body (a water body is a section of a river or other surface water or a distinct volume of groundwater). The directive sets a five-class scale - high, good, moderate, poor and bad status - and it requires Member States to achieve GOOD STATUS in all waters by Once Member States have determined the current status of their water bodies, monitoring then helps Member States to track the effectiveness of measures needed to clean up water bodies and achieve good status (see water notes nos. 2 and 3 on surface water and groundwater bodies at risk).”
When is it necessary to act? After having gone out and got to know the river we could have found two different results: 1) we have found some “red flags” or concerns. What can we do to restore something? 2) the river is healthy. What can we do? refer to WFD
Pre-conditions for active citizenship 1.To know, as good as possible, the river conditions and to have a clear idea on what should happen to reach/maintain a GOOD ecological condition 2.Clarify what kind of action can be performed in order to fit the aims (brainstorming) 3.Action planning, in order to reach the best in the effectiveness of the action
The Action kit
STEP 1 - Brainstorming
STEP 2 – Planning action Planner + checklist
STEP 3 – Action Tips: Concrete ideas
STEP 4 - Collaboration with media and Authorities Collaboration with media: inform journalists and reporters about the action as they can write an article about it, put it on the radio or create a story for the TV. Write an article or a press release themselves Publish a newsletter and/or write an article for various organizations´ newsletters that would support the cause. Develop an list and send an message to various organizations who can forward it to their members. Create a website or blog with stories, pictures, and information
Collaboration with authorities to write a letter a model is provided by FYR to ask for a meeting