Why Are People Eating Their Own Trash?
Entrance Ticket “ Why are people eating their own trash?”
Activity You will need: Bucket of clean water Assorted Trash items 2 Tbs. of Vegetable Oil Assorted tools to clean water Step 1: Dirty the water with your trash items Step 2: Use the tools you selected to clean the water pollution.
Exit Ticket “Why are people eating their own trash?”
Water Pollution Video
Explore websites including but not limite d to: Safe Drinking Water Foundation Education World: How Long Does Trash Last? Waste Management: Think Green de=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active Dieldrin in Water: Deland, FL de=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active
Think-pair-share Why is water pollution considered and environmental issue?
Questions 1) Explain why does water pollution exists in Volusia County? 2) How can we work to solve the pollution problems in our county? 3) Explain how water pollution that occurs far away from our county affects our water here in Volusia County? 4) How does rain pollution affect the water in in Volusia County? 5) How did the Dieldrin in the Deland water affecting people in Volusia County? 6) How is water pollution found in fresh water different from the pollutants found in salt water?
Experiment: Step 1: – Group 1 : create their own water pollution sample and test the samples for TDS and pH. – Group 2 : create a filter to clean the water Step 2: – Both groups will create a scatter plot of the data you collected and see if there is any correlation.
Think-Pair-Share: What have you learned about water pollution?
Create a way to show what you know… Examples: – Video – Presentation – Poster – Skit – Thinking map – Write & illustrate a story or cartoon
Science Fair Classes will come and blindly vote for their favorite project.