Group 6
Scene 1 Time: 0:00-0:12 Action: Water is pouring into the bottle with an echoing sound that fades as the narrator’s voice gets louder. Audio/Script: “There are one billion people in the world who cannot hear this sound, who cannot drink this water, and who cannot have access to this water. Is this the The end?
Audio: ( ) No, this is not the end for them. They still have a daily struggle to survive. Without your help, they might not survive. Is this how you would like the world to be? Graphic: Picture of an African man that is depressed
Audio:(30-40) Thousands of people in Africa don’t have clean water to use, to drink; they can’t even bathe. Graphic: Picture of the world or world spinning.
Audio: (42-48) With your help, we can build wells for people in Africa, so they don’t get sick, and so that they can wake up and not have to walk 8 miles to a water source that might potentially be dangerous. Graphic: Picture of a well or water source.
Audio: (50-56) If you donate, you might save a life, and save a spirit. Graphic: Picture of us helping them. United States Africa