Basic Information you will learn how to write a professional thesis you will learn how to use information from many sources and how to cite adequately you will acquire a way of working with vocational literature you can apply the knowledge of the topic that you already have you can deepen your knowledge of the given topic you will achieve a new insight into the topic you will enrich your vocabulary and the way of expressing yourself, you will learn how to give a presentation the best year works will be qualified in the „Students´ Professional Activities“ Competition you will advance to the fourth year of your studies at The Technical High School of Emil Kolben
The Factual Side of the Year Works The year work will contain these parts: Affidavit (= a statement about the authenticity of the year work) Annotation and key words Table of Contents Introduction Methodics The actual content of the work Conclusion List of references Enclosures – pictures, diagrams, tables, etc. (also possible within the text)
The Affidavit a page where you will express that you have created the year work yourself, used the by you mentioned sources only and cited everything adequately you will also put the date of finishing the year work and your signature here
The Annotation and key words Annotation= 5-10 sentences expressing the content of the year work 5-8 key words are usually used depending on the topic of your year work (e.g. English Literature, Writing studies, History)
The Table of Contents usually created according to the MS Office pattern if not generated automatically, it is necessary to check the accordance of the table of contents and the pages of the thesis
The Introduction defines the problem that you want to deal with explains why the year work was written and what is its purpose you can also mention what has already been found out about this topic
The Methodics briefly and accurately describes: the procedure the technique the method of processing the data the materials and aids used the kind of resources here you can mention why you have chosen these particular sources and methods
The Actual Content of the Work what has been found out, calculated, measured, examined, invented… You must not present the opinions of the professionals as your own ones – you always have to cite them properly! do not evaluate the findings here; just summarize the facts(in brief sentences, in tables, diagrams, charts, maps, evidences,…) the results are brief, clearly formulated, without comments or reflexions
The Conclusion summary of the whole thesis conclusions which you have reached benefits you have achieved by creating the thesis
The List of References items will be sorted in the alphabetical order the quotes will be presented in accordance with the ČSN 690 standard you can find information above this standard on the following sites: the quotes are stated as accurately as possible: author, work, work release (edition, publisher, place and year) For example: KASSIN, Saul M. Psychologie. 2. vyd. Brno: CPress, xxiii, 771 s. ISBN
The Formal Adjustment of the Year Work The cover sheet contains: - the name of the year work - the name of the author, class - the name of the consultant - the full name of the school and its logo - the year of handing in the year work (you can find a pattern of the cover sheet on the website of our school)
The Formal Adjustment of the Thesis fonts: Times New Roman, Arial or Georgia font size 12 1, 5 cm spacing 1, 5 cm edge highlighting in Italics, rarely bold tabulate in a block (+ check the spaces) number the pages (use the headers and footers) spiral binding hand in both in electronic and printed form (CD – DVD – flash drive – the media will not be returned)
The Extent of the Year Work 8 standard pages of text these pages do not include: - the cover sheet - the affidavit - the table of contents - the annotation - the list of references - the attachments
Consultations the table of consultations will also be a part of the year work (you can find it on our school´s website) you have to attend min. 5 consultations (your consultant will confirm your attendance by their signature) you can choose your consultant among the teachers of our school; or you can choose someone else – a person who has achieved min. secondary education degree in the given domain you have to attend the consultations regularly
How to choose a topic? the topic must be chosen within the range of subjects taught at our school the domain of your year work should be your hobby; however, the text should be meaningful the literature for the selected topic should be well-accessible Your year work does not have to bring new scientific knowledge ! the aim is to summarize the existing facts, to revise what has been invented about the issue; to learn something new from the already existing sources there will be a list of topics offered by the teachers still you can choose your own topic; and as long as it is approved by the teachers, you can work on it you have to decide for a topic till 2nd October and tell Mrs. Nguyenová; otherwise you will be assigned a topic each student must choose a different topic