8/24/04 Paul A. Jensen Operations Research Models and Methods Copyright All rights reserved Models and Analysis of Production Systems
2 Production System Design Manufacturing - (Latin - produce by hand) Production - Broader word - Something that is produced by physical or intellectual labor Products - Goods - Services - Poems Two words are practically synonyms; making something someone wants We are dealing with organizations that produce a good or service
3 Production System Design System: Collection of components that accomplish production Design: Provide the detailed specification for the components The IE designs and operates the system of production
4 The functional nature of business
5 Hierarchical issues make integrated design difficult A particular design problem falls within a hierarchy of designs The design activity must recognize impacts on other levels The design affects operations
6 The hierarchy of design
7 Interactions within the levels of the hierarchy
8 The hierarchy between design and operation
9 Providing integration through models
10 What this course will do: Provide an understanding of problems and issues in production system design Build models to describe the components of production processes Build models to describe the system of production Use operations research tools to analyze models and make decisions Identify, quantify and alleviate waste in the manufacturing process