TEACHING STYLES John McCormick and Marilyn Leask From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009 UNIT 5.3
At the end of this unit you should be able to: choose teaching styles to match the different learning strategies of pupils analyse and outline different teaching styles in sequences of your lesson plans map your developing style to the requirements for your course and use your mapping to set targets for further development appreciate the difference between personal teaching styles and theoretical models of teaching styles appreciate the importance of mobility ability (Mosston and Ashworth, 2002), which refers to the capability good teachers have for switching their style to meet different needs of learners. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009 OBJECTIVES
TEACHING STYLES AND STRATEGIES Teaching strategies and meaningful learning Using Skills, Attitudes, Concepts and Knowledge (SACK) to develop a style Information processing models and teaching style Experiment and consistency Mosston’s ‘Spectrum of teaching styles’ Personalised learning and independent learners From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
To explore this material further, read: McCormick, J. and Leask, M. (2009) ‘Teaching styles’, in S. Capel, M. Leask and T. Turner (eds) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, 5th edn, London: Routledge. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009 FURTHER INFORMATION
Gipps, C. and Stobart, G. (1997) Assessment: A Teacher’s Guide to the Issues, London: Hodder Stoughton, Chapter 2. Jensen, E. (2006) Super Teaching, 3rd edn, San Diego CA: The Brain Store. Joyce, B., Weil, M. and Cahoun, E. (2009) Models of Teaching, 8th edn, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Street, P. (2004) ‘Those who can teach – deconstructing the teacher’s personal presence and impact in the classroom’, Triangle Journals. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009 FURTHER READING