Geir Johansen, Manager Building & Construction department Norconsult Information Systems (NOIS)
Our company NS 3420 “Specification texts for building, construction and installations” LIVE: Making a simple Spec with our software Recent BIM/IFC development in the Norwegian market LIVE: IFC Demo with Calcus
120 people, turnover 20 mill USD ~ €15 mill Owned by Norconsult, people Leading in software & services to the building and construction industry in Norway users ( users incl. freeware) customers (architects, engineers, contractors, owners, government....)
Specs & Element specs Project management Structural analysis CAD GIS (Geographic information system) Cost estimating (from sketch to detailed design) Contractor’s calculation and production management & logistics Data flow and QA Facility Management Some of the main ongoing development: Environmental Cost Calculation integrated (release oct.08) Lifecycle Cost Calculation integrated
► Project prospect ► Study ► Design ► Detail project ► Building ► Facility Management ► Development OUR AIM + RESPONSIBILITY: supporting the project stages
Growth of ca. 20 % in 2007, continuing in 2008 by a slower pace Filling in gaps in the business by buying small companies with potential Organic growth Strengthening our position year by year International expansion is higher on our agenda Nordic expansion is the closest market and most natural expansion of our home market
NS 3420 ”Specification text for building, construction and installations” ”Backbone” for most specification work History of more than 20 years. Both books and database Revised and updated annually Widely used in the industry All Spec. and calculation software have interface to NS3420 database New major upgrade of NS 3420 this year with building elements Education and courses: Correct usage of the standard (Standard Norge) Applied usage and software (NOIS) 2007: More than 300 took one of our Spec. courses (NOIS)
Ways of making Specifications: Detailed spec with quantities (most common) Simplified specs (Outline specs) Performance based specs The general contractor to write the specs Partnering and Design/Build contracting with owner
SPEC: resulting specification document NS 3420 work items have these data NS code Standard text and/or project text unit quantity discipline Reference to NS 3420 General condition spec typically organized in: chapters (discipline/trade) subchapters (building part) LIVE DEMO
Statsbygg: (GSA) full BIM/IFC based design and delivery will be required in projects from First fullscale BIM project out for tender this month Relased BIM Manual (IDM) Require to deliver LCC calculation IAI/BIM: IAI annual meeting this this month Large ”Seeing is believing” session The BIM wave is getting stronger
Some of our engagements: Roadshows and seminars with CAD-Q (Revit) promoting BIM New Environmental project GLITNE with major players in the industry (Arch. Gov. Contractors, Software vendors) Environmental costs calculations (CO2, waste etc.) BuildingSmart Aqaurium: IFC cooperation on a technical level between software vendors BIM STORM: Building London Live LIVE DEMO CALCUS
PROJECTS & MODELS: tested Tromsø University STATSBYGG
PROJECTS & MODELS: tested Housing model I SELVAAG Bluethink
PROJECTS & MODELS: tested Housing model II SELVAAG Bluethink
PROJECTS & MODELS: tested Housing model III SELVAAG
PROJECTS & MODELS: tested Housing model SKANSKA
CAD SYSTEMS AND OTHER APPICATIONS: tested import from… Autocad ADT and Revit Archicad Microstation/Triforma Data Design System Selvaag Bluethink, two applications EPM Model Server output Conclusions: all different layouts of IFC files (wide variantions) no quantities supplied, we need to traverse the geometry it is possible to make it work after elaborate testing all hassles not discovered yet - to few users Limitations: import only per now, and only building/arch. objects