7 th Period MOON KIOSK Please read and take notes on the following presentation. Remember, you will have an assessment during your next class!
Structure and Origin of the Moon How was the moon made, and what’s it like?
How was it made? Theory – The moon was once apart of the earth, but somehow separated from Earth’s surface. Caught in Earth’s gravitational pull. Material was thrown into orbit which also helped the moon to form.
What’s the moon like? The moon is 3,476 kilometers in diameter. Temperatures range from 100 degrees Celsius – 170 degrees Celsius. The moon contains one eighth the mass of the earth. The moon’s density is about the same density as the Earth’s outer layers. The moon’s diameter is about one fourth the size of the earth.
Motion Of The Moon By: Ariel Gulley & Justin Golenberg
The moon is 384,400 kilometers away from Earth. The light from the moon is really the suns reflection. The near side of the moon always faces Earth.
The moon revolves around the Earth and tilts on its own axis. It takes the moon 27.3 to revolve around the Earth. Different shapes of the moon are called phases.
Phases Of The Moon By RJ Carter and Dana Hoffman
Why do we have phases? The positions of the moon, earth and the sun cause the phases of the moon. The phase of the moon you see depends on how much of sunlit side faces the earth.
What Are The Phases of The Moon The phases include: Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, Waning Crescent and the new Moon. Our Current moon is a First Quarter, showing 56% of the moon.
An eclipse is when the moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon. When and object in space comes between the sun and a third object, and casts a shadow on that object. There are two kinds of major eclipses- Lunar and solar.
Solar Eclipses A type of eclipse that happens more often then lunar occurs when the moon passes between the earth and sun blocking the sunlight from hitting the earth.
Lunar Eclipse Occurs during a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun. Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon. It has an umbra and a penumbra. An umbra is when you see the total lunar eclipse and a penumbra occurs during most lunar eclipses. The earth, moon, and sun are not quite in line.
The Cause of Tides The cause of a tide is a force of gravity puling the moon and earth including water toward each other. Tides occur mainly because difference of and how the moon pulls on different parts of earth. Two tides occur because of differences in the force of gravity from one place to another. The rise and fall of water every 12.5 hours, 6 hours to rise and 6 hours to fall.
High Tides The force of the moons gravity at a certain point on earth is stronger than the force of gravity on earth as a whole. Therefore all the water rushes to that certain point creating high tides.
Tide Cycle When water flows away from a certain spot to the not so concentrated areas that creates low tides. At any time there are 2 places with to high ties and two low tides. As earth rotates one high tide stays on the opposite side of the earth. The second high tide stays on the side of earth facing the moon.