Conservation of Energy By: Chloe
What is energy? ▪Energy is mostly everything ▪You use energy to get your breakfast before school ▪There are many different types of energy like electrical, light, heat even sound energy! ▪Without energy how would you get toast? Turn on the lamp? Get your food cold? Charge your Iphone, Ipod or Ipad? ▪Everything you do you use some type of energy
What is conservation ▪Conservation is another way to say : “to conserve energy” ▪Conservation is when you have energy and you store it for something else
3 types of energy ▪Electrical energy: charges your electronics, it make the t.v. work, and computer. ▪Light energy: gives you light, but also heat, without light energy, you couldn’t turn on any light and at night it would be really dark! ▪Sound energy: a radio has sound energy, without sound energy, we wouldn’t be able to listen yo music, and we wouldn’t be able to hear the morning annoucements!
What is renewable energy ▪Renewable energy is make up of nartural energy sources (sun, wind, etc.) ▪Renewable energy renews because they replenish themselves
What is non-renewable energy ▪Non-renewable energy is the energy from fossil fuels ▪Some examples are coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium
What can people do to be more energy efficient ▪People can use candles unstead of lights ▪Turn off the lights when leaving the room ▪Use florecent lights instead of regular lights ▪Use windmils ▪Use solar panels ▪Turn off their lights during the day and use the suns light from their windows
Bibliography ▪My notes ▪Science text book ▪My brain ▪Flickr