Nutrient Project By: Jesse Leach
Iron Functions: essential for making hemoglobin Helps white blood cells caries oxygen to other cells Food Sources: fish, shellfish, egg yolks, leafy vegetables, and dry beans Deficiency disease: iron deficiency anemia symptoms: tired, weak, short of breath, pale, and felling cold
Copper Functions: enzymes rely on copper to do there work copper helps hemoglobin and collagen Food Sources: whole grain foods, seafood, peas and nuts Deficiency disease: deficiencys are rare
Iodine Functions: stored in the thyroid gland produces substances needed for growth and development Food Sources: salt water fish, iodized salt Deficiency disease: goiter, a lump can form at the front of the neck babies can be born with mental retardation
Fluoride Functions: prevents tooth decay and strengthen bones Food Sources: many communities add the mineral to there drinking water Deficiency disease: tooth decay
Selenium Functions: antioxidant maintains muscles, red blood cells, hair and nails scientist think it may protect from certain cancers Food Sources: whole grain foods, vegetables, fish, and shellfish Deficiency disease: N/A
Zinc Functions: helps enzymes do their work aids the immune system and helps heal wounds Food Sources: liver, poultry, fish, shellfish, dairy products, dry beans, peas, and nuts Deficiency disease: growth retardation, poor appetite, loss of taste, dry skin, and depression