Climate variability and predictability over South Eastern European regions
Overview Main types of regional climate variability Regional predictability Indicators for the winter
Sources of climate variability and predictability in winter 1 st and 2 nd EOFs of winter temperature From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
Sources of climate variability and predictability in winter 1 st EOF of winter precipitation From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
Coupled modes of variability temperature and precipitation anomalies coupled with SLP anomalies 1 st CCA modes for temperature and precipitation From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
ROC maps for above normal tercile of temperatute From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
ROC maps for above normal below of temperatute From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
ROC maps for above normal tercile of precipitation From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
ROC maps for below normal tercile of precipitation From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
ROC maps for above normal tercile of precipitation From draft paper on predictability over Southern Eastern Europe
What about next winter? No clear NAO signal…