Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16 th president and the first president to be assassinated.
Richard Nixon Richard Nixon became president in He resigned as president rather than being impeached because of illegal actions in the Watergate scandal.
Michael Jackson Famous singer that had a number of hit records. Famous for his Thriller music video and being an innovator in the industry.
Marilynn Monroe Famous actress, model and singer from the 1950s. She died of an overdose.
Babe Ruth Famous baseball player. Held the record for most years leading the league in homeruns.
Martin Luther King Leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Famous for his “I have a dream” speech in Assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
Elvis Presley One of the most popular singers of the 20 th century. Known as the king of rock and roll. Declining health and drug use caused his death.
Ghandi Led India to independence and inspired movements of non-violence around the world. Shot while taking podium to lead prayer meeting.
John F. Kennedy 35 th president of the United States. Assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Youngest President to die so far.
Mother Teresa Won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Cared for sick and orphaned.
Janis Joplin Was an American singer-songwriter. People described her appearance on the stage as “electric”. She died of a drug overdose.
Princess Diana Wife of Prince Charles of Wales. Mother of Prince Harry and Prince William. Died in a car accident.
Heath Ledger Heath Ledger was an Australian actor and director. He is famous for playing the joker in The Dark Knight. He died of an accidental overdose.
Selena Quintanilla Top Latin artist of the ’90s. Called the Mexican equivalent of Madonna. Murdered by the president of her fan club.
River Phoenix American musician and film actor. Died of drug induced heart attack. Played young Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.
Jimmy Hendrix One of the greatest electric guitarists of all time. Also known for his use of psychedelic drugs. Died of drug overdose.
Steve Prefontaine A long distance runner from Oregon. Died in a car accident. Also known as Pre.
Christopher Reeves Actor famous for playing Superman in Superman the Movie. After being thrown from a horse he had to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
John Lennon Member of the band Beatles. Murdered outside his New York apartment.
Tupac Shakur American rapper and actor. Sold 75 million records worldwide by Shot four times in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Walter Payton Running back for Chicago Bears. Died from Cholangiocarcinoma (a type of cancer).