The Five Kingdoms What characteristics are shared by all living things? Eukaryotes Prokaryotes
Three Domains An alternative classification system
ANIMALS What are their shared characteristics?
MONOTREMES (platypus, echidnas) MARSUPIALS ( opossums, kangaroos) PLACENTAL MAMMALS Edentata (anteaters, aramadillos) Pholidata (pangolins) Lagomorpha (rabbits) Rodentia (mice,gophers) Macroscelidea (elephant shrews) Primates (monkeys, humans) Scandentia (tree shrews) Chiroptera (bats) Dermoptera (colugos) Insectivora (shrews, moles) Carnivora (dogs, cats) Artiodactyla (deer hippos) Cetacea (whales, dolphins) Tubulidentata (aardvark) Perissodactyla (horses, rhinos) Hyracoidea (manatees, sea cows) Proboscidea (elephants) MAMMALS What are their shared characteristics?
MAMMALS - Rodentia What are their shared characteristics? Rodent teeth
MAMMALS - Carnivora What are their shared characteristics?
MAMMALS - Artiodactyls What are their shared characteristics?
MAMMALS - Cetacea What are their shared characteristics?
MAMMALS - Primates What are their shared characteristics? Black Lemur Bonobo Orangutan Gorilla Rhesus Monkey
PRIMATES ProsimiansTarsiersAnthropoids New-world Monkeys Old-world Monkeys Hominoids Pongids (apes) Hominids (humans) Primate Classification Note: Primate classification is undergoing rapid change. This is a simplified version of one of several taxonomies.
PRIMATES – Prosimians What are their shared characteristics? Ring-tailed lemurs Slow Loris Loris Pottos Loris
PRIMATES –New-world Monkeys What are their shared characteristics? Pigmy marmoset Howler Monkey Spider Monkey Squirrel Monkey
PRIMATES – Old-world Monkeys What are their shared characteristics? Baboon Mandrill Macaque Vervet Monkey
PRIMATES - Hominoids What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee Gorilla Orangutans
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Gorilla Bonobo Orangutan Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics?
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Gorilla
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes) HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteris tics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee
PRIMATES - Hominoids PONGIDS (Great Apes)HOMINIDS (Humans) What are their shared characteristics? Chimpanzee