Age-friendly Environments John Beard
New Jersey Woman Celebrates 100th Birthday — at Work By Samantha Henry, Associated Press, September 24, 2009 Astrid Thoening celebrates her 100th birthday while working as the receptionist for the Thornton Agency …
Kilkenny |3 |
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5 |5 | How to turn dependency into a dividend Prevent chronic disease and promote health across the life course Provide appropriate health care Create physical, social and economic environments that foster social engagement
Kilkenny |6 | Age-Friendly Cities (Environments) Urban environments that promote active and healthy ageing
Kilkenny |7 | Outdoor space & buildingsTransportationCommunication & informationHousing Respect & social inclusionSocial participation Civic participation & employment Community support & health services Domains of city life
Kilkenny |8 | 1. Joining the network -Involve older people -Baseline assessment of age-friendliness -Develop action plan -Identify indicators 2. Implementation -Implement action plan -Monitor indicators 3. Evaluate progress and continual improvement -Measure progress -Identify successes and remaining gaps -Develop new action plan Ongoing 5 year cycles WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities Years 1-2Years 3-5 External Review
Kilkenny |9 | Geneva – Public Spaces and Buildings Increase benches in streets and parks Improve footpaths and lighting
Kilkenny | Age-friendly Geneva – Public Spaces and Buildings Increase benches in streets and parks –New benches 165 –Benches replaced or repaired 232 Improve footpaths and lighting –Enlarged 27 –Renovated 24 –Other improvements 90 –New lighting 26
Kilkenny | New York – a City for All Ages
Kilkenny | Age-friendly New York City –findings Respect and social inclusion –'I was raised in Manhattan, and they took care of you back then'; –Everything is about youth'; –I don't feel secure. I feel vulnerable. If someone runs into me I will go flying and no one will pick me up' Information and communication –'Give me a person to talk to…….(not an automated telephone system)' –'We don't know where to go' Public spaces –'There used to be a space where we could just rest and sit together' –'We need more benches people can grab on to as they walk down the street' –'I age every time I have to cross the street' –(Toilets)
Kilkenny | Streetscape 1
Kilkenny | Streetscape 1
Kilkenny | Streetscape 2
Kilkenny |
Kilkenny | Age-friendly Kilkenny