ETUC/ETUI activities on chemicals Tony Musu Improving workers health through sustainable management of chemicals, trade unions towards 2020 Geneva, 9-10.


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Presentation transcript:

ETUC/ETUI activities on chemicals Tony Musu Improving workers health through sustainable management of chemicals, trade unions towards 2020 Geneva, 9-10 July 2015

ETUC/ETUI activities for chemical risks prevention at work ? Contribution to the implementation of EU legislations on chemicals (REACH, CLP, Carcinogens Directive, Chemical Agents Directive, etc…): ETUC is represented in the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) ETUI coordinates the Workers Interest Group within the Working Party on Chemicals of the tripartite EU Advisory Cttee on Safety & Health (i.e. OELs setting at EU level) Coordination of trade union campaigns for legislative changes: Trade union Priority List for REACH authoristion Asbestos use in the EU Adoption of binding OELs for 50 relevant carcinogens at work Raising awareness activities: REACH & CLP obligations in companies Workers pages on ECHA’s website Information to workers & their representatives: Risctox database on ETUI publications ( “ Preventing work cancers”; “Nanomaterials”, “REACH”, etc.) Annual ETUI seminar on workers’ protection & chemicals

3 Trade Union Priority List for REACH Authorisation 568 high production volume chemicals, widely used at work & linked to occupational diseases aim is to phase them out from the market and replace them with safer alternatives 24 out of 31 SVHCs included in the Authorisation List were already on the TU list beforehand t he TU list is available on line:

4 Many companies still unaware of the extended SDS Joint leaflet prepared with ECHA Trade union campaign to promote safe use “Use chemicals ?” leaflet available in 22 EU languages Workers' reps ambassadors for REACH and CLP

5 Many companies still unaware of their obligations under REACH and CLP ETUC/IndustriAll awareness campaign with ECHA & EU- OSHA Objective: use workers' reps to inform employers “Call to action” leaflet available in 22 EU languages Workers' reps ambassadors for REACH and CLP -2013

Workers’ pages on ECHA’s website

7 Key objectives towards 2020 ? Reduce work-related cancers (first cause of death at work) Substitution of Substances of very high concern Global asbestos ban Globally harmonised system for Classification & Labelling Legislation on endocrine disruptor chemicals Training & information of workers on chemical risks

8 > Issues > REACH Safety/Chemicals-and-REACH Thank you, further info on: