November,1896, - elected president There was two campaign promises: 1) Protect American business and 2) Free the Cuban people (From Spanish rule).
February 15, Havana Harbor U.S.S. Maine was blown-up 260 American sailors were killed after mysterious explosion. Yellow Press called for war against Spain ("Remember the Maine"), offer rewards for proof of Spanish plot.
February, 25, 1898, - Washington D.C. Assistant Secretary Theodore Roosevelt ordered Admiral Dewey to prepare for the Asian war Roosevelt told Dewey to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines if a war brakes out between U.S. and Spain. The Capital of Philippines is Manila
Congress declares War April,11, 1898, - Washington D.C. President McKinley asks Congress to declare war on Spain Although Spain agrees to all American demands, McKinley tells Congress that God has told him to attack the Spanish forces.
May,1, 1898, - Manila Bay Dewey sunk Spanish fleet. In only seven hours, the entire Spanish Asian fleet was sunk. U.S. suffers only one death.
June, 1898, - Santiago, Cuba Roosevelt's Rough Riders take San Juan Hill Roosevelt achieves heroic stature for leading men (sans horses) up hill overlooking Santiago Harbor. Ending the Spanish- American War on Aug. 12, 1898.
The U.S. had the right to intervene in Cuba to “protect” its independence Cuba’s debt would be monitored by the U.S. a fiscal cleanup plan to make Cuba more attractive to U.S. investors Required Cuba to sell or lease land to the U.S. for Naval Stations (Guantanamo Bay-99 years) Many Cubans felt it gave too much power to the U.S. over Cuba.