PREFACE This book is different from other books. It is not intended to give you a complete picture but rather to inspire you to think beyond what is to the power of what is possible. Look at each slide and think about what it says and could mean. This will empower you to mine the value of the idea. I hope enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed putting it together. WAKnight
“MASS” = ENERGY Every “thing” in the universe is really composed of energy bundles
MASS If a “thing” is cut in half repeatedly the result is not an infinite amount of cuts but the release of its energy So did the “thing” actually begin with substance “mass”?
RELIGION BASED ON ENERGY Everything is one of two things: Energy or The laws and organizational systems behind energy
LAWS Because mass is a delusion The “Laws of Physics” inadequately explain reality
LAWS The order of the Universe is governed by the Laws of Energy not the Laws of Mass Many of the Laws of Energy have not been defined because of our infatuation with “mass” Our current understanding of energy is that it is various types of waves (cell phone waves, light waves, sound waves, etc.) We have a hard time conceptualizing “solid” objects as pure energy
LAWS “God” is not the energy of the universe but rather the “laws” that govern and organize energy Energy is not God and God is not Energy
LAWS The Laws of nature are not fixed and unchangeable, rather they can and do “evolve” over time Thus, God changes, like everything else in the universe
LAWS Since energy has no beginning nor end neither does God Creation is a manmade construct That has no bases in reality
LAWS Gods creates vast opportunities We are not predestined Fate and destiny are only limited by how we use the opportunities in front of us
TRUTH Truths are found in the definition of energy and the relationships energy sources have to and with each other. As different forms of energy come together different “truths” result Truth is all about energy in action
ENERGY PERSPECTIVE We want to believe that the board in front of the class is reality But the board changes depending on one’s view of it. The form of an energy source depends on the perspective of the observer
REALITY I intuitively believe that what I see is the same thing you are seeing This is simply not true Reality constantly changes relative to the beholder
REALITY The Universe is a closed system Therefore the amount of energy in the Universe is constant This is very different view from the current view that says the Universe is ever expanding and its energy is limitless
REALITY Every event that happens in the universe is neutral that is, it just happens Individuals and other living and non-living things determine the value, if any exists, of all events Consequence: There is no “sin”
REALITY Sin becomes a learning opportunity Learning opportunities Are not bad nor good Just opportunities
REALITY If there is no sin The need for God to be judgmental Vanishes
REALITY The need for confession The need for forgiveness The need for mercy
REALITY Rituals and Ceremonies Just because we have always done it this way Doesn’t mean we have to do it that way now
REALITY God does not select one individual or group over others as his “favorite” or “chosen” servants or for special dispensation
REALITY As the Law Shaper and Giver God wants every source of energy to reach its fullest potential And our potentials are in a constant state of flux
REALITY What happens when we reach our full potential? God changes “the rules” and we are given new potentials!
OBJECTS IN THE UNIVERSE Energy sources (lights, walls, people, relationships, love, etc.) in the Universe are “open” energy systems They exchange energy with other energy sources in the Universe Touch the top of your desk You are feeling energy
THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF ENERGY Energy does not exist as an independent state All “things” are interdependent
CONSEQUENCE “Me” as an independent being does not exist To define “Me” takes two entities, me and everything that is not me We are interdependent
RESPONSIBILITY I alone bear the responsibility for my actions IS PURE DELUSION We bear the responsibility of our actions I am not independent from others therefore we share responsibilities for each other’s actions
TYPES OF ENERGY Energy sources with specific forms/boundaries Energy that has realized its potential (a book, computer, light, door, air, water, light waves, sound waves etc.) Energy that is in the possibility state Energy that is in the “idea” state
BOUNDARIES Boundaries between energy forces are the key to their power Power of “touch” allows the transference of energy from one source to another
BOUNDARIES AND MASS Boundaries viewed as “mass” create delusion. We think of our fingers as a separate part of our body but they are not
BOUNDARIES AND ENERGY If we see our fingers as energy extensions of our body we have near limitless possibilities to explore our universes We can actually “touch” other ideas (energy forces) and interact with them
EXCHANGE OF ENERGY IN REALIZED ENERGY SOURCES Energy is transferred across all contact surface sites Picture on a wall Transfers energy to the wall Transfers energy to the air Transfers energy to the wall hanger Transfers energy to the nails Transfers energy to the eye of the beholder (via light energy) And these sources transfer energy to the picture
CONSEQUENCES Energy routinely transfers power from one source of energy to another This is the power of the Universe This power can be harnessed. No energy is “lost”
TRANSFER OF ENERGY Transfer of Energy and its various reactions is “Religion” The measure of an event’s worth is the direct benefit the transfer yields to the energy sources involved
AS IDEA Energy
STATES OF REALITY Something may be black or white or some color in between There are lots of possibilities!!!
STATE OF POSSIBILITY Stage before something becomes reality Limited only by imagination of the beholder Larger than reality (Most of us see “things” after they have realized their possibility) “Real” but still fluid
POWER OF PRAYER Derives from seeing the world as energy not mass Energy can and does pass from one energy source to another When we can totally dismiss “Mass” as reality – we can access near unlimited power
IDEA LOOSES POTENTIAL An unnamed idea Once thinking stops – the idea is lost Dreams Thoughts Visions Vanish if not named Possibility ceases to exist
TWO KINDS OF NAMES Logos names/labels include the concept of mass and are powerless to affect change in the world i.e. as “Mass” Cellphones are just something we carry Rhema names/labels focus on energy also focuses on the transforming power of possibility As energy – Cellphones bring the world to the palm of our hand
NAMING THE IDEA Establishes a boundary Creates opportunity for repetitiveness Creates opportunity for transferring it to others Creates an opportunity for continuance beyond the present Can empower the actors involved with the idea to build on the original concept
NAMES DETERMINE THE BOUNDARIES Naming an idea creates the boundaries of the idea Limits the idea Gives it specificity Distinguishes one idea from another idea Allows the idea to be tracked over time A new name changes the boundaries of the original idea Rhema naming an idea shapes its energy force giraffes
IDEAS USELESS WITHOUT ACTUALIZATION Actualization transforms the possibility of an idea into reality Actualization requires focus
IDEAS CAN BLEND WITH OTHER IDEAS Actualized ideas can be blended with other ideas Results: The idea’s boundaries change Something new can be created Progress happens Things evolve
PURPOSE OF LIFE Our Purpose in life is determined by the way we use the energy encounters we experience It is not something assigned to us from before we were born It is based on our previous experiences and the present encounters Present Situation New Opportunity
PURPOSE OF LIFE Focusing the power of the universe to empower each of us to reach our potentials and beyond!
NO ACTUALIZATION Ideas happen – they get named -- but they don’t get actualized Little happens The potential of the dream dissipates Describes much of what happens in our world
When energy fields combine things happen Where I am going with this concept? Help individuals create and combine energy forces So that more individuals can experience Shalom (The wholeness of life in body, mind and spirit) Intensified Energy
I HAVE BECOME A TRANSFORMATIONIST WANT TO JOIN ME? Transformationalism Acquiring The Power of Possibility