Socio-economic Baseline Study Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetables Production in Southeast Asian Watershed Case Study: Nanggung Sub-district, Bogor, Indonesia Suseno Budidarsono, Kusuma Wijaya and James Roshetko World Agroforestry Centre – ICRAF Southeast Asia Regional Office Bogor, Indonesia
Objective: Provide a socio-economic data as a basis for socio-economic impact assessment of integrated vegetable-agroforestry system
SSocio-economic data FFarm characteristics GGender roles HHousehold income and consumption LLabor availability The scope of the study
The study site Attributes Hamba ro Paraka n Munca ng Sukalu yu Kecamatan Nanggung Physical characteristics 1. Altitude (m above sea level) 400 – – – – Area (ha) ~ Total Area , ~ Agricultural Land (Excluded national park) 75.9%85.4%68.9%63.8% Demography ~ Population (person) 6,04410,7224,53075,109 ~ Number of households (hh) 1,2681,5361,04719,321 ~ Population Density (ps km -1 ) 1,6991,7722, ~ Agriculture Density (ps ha -1 ) Accessibility (km) ~ Distance to Nanggung Market ~ Distance to Leuwiliang Market
HHousehold Survey Multistage Random Sampling with Propotional Stratification 33 Villages (Hambaro, Parakan Muncang, Sukaluyu village) 44,302 inhabitants (22.3% of total sub-district) 22,940 population of study (households who ‘controlling’ the land) 1185 households as respondent (households who practiced vegetable farming) Methods
Hambaro Parakan MuncangSukaluyuTotal 1. Inhabitants of Village 1,2571,8801,1654, Population of the Study (Households controlling land) 5771, , Sample by Land Size (m 2 ) n Pop n samples n Pop n samples n Pop n samples n Pop n samples 5 – %2043.4%2615.6%1033.7% – %2840.1%2420.7%1235.9% – %79.6%617.1%1012.3% – %34.6%318.6%118.5% – %20.8%212.5%84.2%12 > %21.4%215.5%95.3%13 Total Methods Population and Sample Size
Physical characteristics Socio Economic Characteristics Land ‘Ownership’ Farming System Characteristics Findings
Physical characteristics Physical infrastructures and Unit Ratio to the related significance unit. Public utilities of Nanggung Sub-District Road network - Paved/asphalted70 km636 m km -2, - Gravelled110.5 km1,004 m km -2 - Dirt road116.4 km1,058 m km -2 Electricity supply (PLN) 7,619 houses in 9 villages43.40% Telephone line households5.22% Education Facility - Kindergarten1 - Elementary school (SD/MI) 44 / 16 - Junior secondary school (SLTP/MT) 1/3 Health Facility - Puskesmas - Public health centre 2 Marketing facilities - Market 2 - Kios /warung587 - Toko 39 - others 295
Socio Economic Characteristics Nanggung West Java Province National 1. Population growth (% year -1 ) Population density (ps km -1 ) Agricultural density (ps ha -1 ) Working population (%)66.10%60.36%65.72% 5. Working population engage in agriculture (%)63.40%32.90%46.30% 6. Sex Ratio (male/female) Average family member (ps hh -1 ) Illiterate (%)5.90% 9.07% Comparing with Province and National Data
Socio Economic Characteristics Hambaro Parakan Muncang SukaluyuTotal n = 62n = 63n = 60n = Total household members (persons) Sex Ratio Household Size 1 – %33.30%48.30%38.40% 5 – %63.50%43.30%53.00% > %3.20%8.30%8.60% 4. Range Household Size (persons/household) 2 – 111 – 122 – 101 – Average family size Age Structure < %24.10%33.60%30.90% 15 – %72.30%63.00%66.10% > %3.70%3.50%2.90% Labor Force - Proportion of Labor Force 63.00%72.30%63.00%66.10% - Average labor force per household Dependancy Ratio 58.80%38.40%58.80%51.20%
Socio Economic Characteristics Sources of Income Hambaro Parakan Muncang SukaluyuTotal n Hh Total Income n Hh Total Income n Hh Total Income n Hh Total Income Total Agriculture Income 74%22%73%9%87%14%78%14% Off Farm Off Farm Laborer 35%14%19%6%18%5%24%8% Trader/Merchant 65%29%68%42%43%19%59%30% Others Off Farm 53%21%40%35%47%24%46%26% Total Off Farm 94%63%95%83%95%47%95%65% Total Non-fixed Income 37%15%38%8%35%39%37%21% Household Income by Sources of Income
Socio Economic Characteristics Income Hambaro Parakan MuncangSukaluyuTotal nRp 000 % n % n % n % Total Agriculture Income 4612, , , ,81214 Average time spent in agriculture activities (hours/day) Off Farm Income 5837, , , ,94865 Average time spent in off-farm activities (hours/day) Non-fixed Income 238, , , ,98521 Total Household Income 6259, , , , Household Income by Sources of Income
Socio Economic Characteristics Expenditures Hambaro Parakan MuncangSukaluyuTotal n Rp000 % N % n % n % 1. Food 6221,73066%6324,07564%6018,73356%18564, % 2. Education 423,19010%332,9838%392,8018%1148,9749% 3. Health 281,0843%331,2253%381,4554%993,7644% 4. Others %576,94619%466,36719%15917, % 5. Farm Inputs 603,0599%592,1546%534,08412%1729,2979% Total Household Expenditure 6233,163100%6337,383100%6033,440100%185103, % Family Expenditure per household Average Family Income955 1,414 1,308 1,226 Household Expenditure
Socio Economic Characteristics Hambaro Parakan Muncang Sukaluy u Sample Village s Number of surveyed household Number of family member Total family income (Rp 000/month)59,22889,05878,459226,745 Range (Rp 000/month) Minimum Maximum 9,30612,9673,95012,967 Average family income per household (Rp 000/month)9551,4141,3081,226 Income per capita (Rp 000/month) Proportion of people below poverty line ~ of Indonesia (Rp 150,000 capita -1 month - 1 ) 67.70%38.10%51.70%52.40% Poverty Line
Land ‘Ownership’ Hambaro Parakan Muncang SukaluyuTotal Total Land Size Surveyed (Ha) Number of plot surveyed Land Size Range (Ha) Avg Land Size (Ha/Hh) Avg Land Size (Ha/Fm)
Land ‘Ownership’
Way Obtaining Land Land Status Privatly Owned Perhutani Land National Park Numpang Total Opened from Forest2% Bought21% Inheritage65%2%67% Using other persons land 3%2%0.3%5%10% Total89%5%0.3%5%100% Way Obtaining Land by Land Status Land ‘Ownership’
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed PaddyfieldDry Land Monocultur e Garden Simple Agroforest 1. Distance from Village (M 2 ) ≤ 500 m82%83%95%78%77% ,000 m5%6%0%22%19% 1,000m <13%11%5%0%5% 2. Time Needed to go to the plot (Minutes) 1 – 15 80%84%89%83%63% 16 – 30 16%13%10%11%35% 31 – 60 4%3%1%6%2% > Plot Fertility Quite Fertile to Very Fertile 87%53%87%83%67% Less Fertile 13%47%12%17%33% Not Fertile 1% Plot Characteristics
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocult ure Garden Simple Agrofor est 4. Plot Slope Flat to Slightly Slope 88%64%93%89%47% Gently Slope 12%36%5%11%40% Slightly Step to Step Slope 0% 2%0%14% 5. Water Source for Irrigation Technical Drainage 14% Simple Drainage 9%2% Direct from River 17%5%4%11%2% Water Spring 53%8%14%6%7% Rain Fed 6%86%80%78%91% Others 1% 6% Plot Characteristics
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocul ture Garden Simple Agrofore st Total Pisang ( Musa sp.) 0.6% 7.1%1.0%2.6%11.6% Kacang panjang ( Vigna sinensis) 0.6% 3.2% 1.0%4.8% Timun ( Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim) 1.0% 2.6% 1.0%4.5% Kucai ( Allium tuberosum ) 1.0% 2.3%3.2% Buncis ( Phaseolus vulgaris) 0.3%1.3% 1.0%2.6% Cabe ( Capsicum frutescens) 1.9%0.3% 2.6% Lengkuas ( Alpinia galangal) 1.6% 0.6%2.3% Jagung ( Zea mays L.) 1.3% 0.6%1.9% Jahe ( Zingiber offcinale) 0.3% 1.0%0.3% 1.9% Kacang tanah ( Arachis hypogaea ) 0.3% 0.6%0.3% 1.6% Top Ten Vegetables Species Cultivated (% of plot number)
Farming System Characteristics Hambaro Parakan MuncangSukaluyuTotal n%n%n%n% Household experienced 11.60%34.80% % % Household not experienced % % % % Household experienced with Tree-annual crop Farming System
Farming System Characteristics Tree SpeciesAnnual Crop Species Alpukat (Persea Americana), Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Kucai (Allium tuberosum) Jengkol (Pithecellobium jiringa), Durian (Durio zibethinus) Kucai (Allium tuberosum) Jengkol (Pithecellobium jiringa), Petai (Parkia speciosa) Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape), Sengon (Paraserianthes falkataria), Mangga (Mangifera indica) Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King), Sengon (Paraserianthes falkataria) Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus), Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Petai (Parkia speciosa)Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis), Timun (Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim) Pinus (Pinus sp)Timun (Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim), Kucai (Allium tuberosum), Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis) Sengon (Paraserianthes falkataria)Kucai (Allium tuberosum),,Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis,)Timun (Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim) Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon), Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis)
Farming System Characteristics Average Level of Labour Input by land use type (ps-day/ha/year) Labor inputs Irrigated Paddyfiel d Rainfed Paddyfiel d Dry Land Monocult ure Garden Simple Agrofore st 1.1 Land Preparation Nursery Planting Maintaining Fertilizing Harvesting
Farming System Characteristics Land size (ha) by household Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocultu re Garden Simple Agroforest Average Labor Input (ps-day/ha) < > Labor inputs by land holding size and land use type
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocultur e Garden Simple Agroforest Chemical Fertilizer (%) Urea SP KCL NPK 222 Other 5255 Organic Fertilizer (%) Pesticide (%) Level of External Farm Inputs by type of land use type (% of plot)
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed PaddyfieldDry Land Monocultur e Garden Simple Agroforest Chemical Fertilizer (Kg/Ha) Urea SP KCL NPK Other Organic Fertilizer (Kg/ha) , , Pesticide (ml/ha) 6, , , , Level of External Farm Inputs by type of land use type (ps-day/ha/year)
Farming System Characteristics CommodityUnitn = plot Price (Rp/unit) Average Yield (per ha) Income (Rp000/ha) Timun ( Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim) kg ,9998,774 Cabe ( Capsicum frutescens) kg 87,5001,0077,549 Jagung ( Zea mays L.) kg 63,0001,9045,713 Caesin ( Brassica rapa L.) kg 41,5003,4005,100 Kacang kedelai ( Soya max piper) kg 12,0002,5005,000 Ubi Jalar ( Ipomoea batatas) kg 11,0005,000 Bayam ( Alternanthera amoena voss) bundle 15009,0004,500 Jahe ( Zingiber offcinale) kg 62,1671,7353,759 Kacang tanah ( Arachis hypogaea L) kg 52,2001,6803,696 Kunyit ( Curcuma longa) kg 58333,8243,187 Farm income by Species cultivated (per ha)
Farming System Characteristics CommodityMarketCollectorConsumer Wholesel ler Bayam ( Alternanthera amoena voss) 100% Cabe ( Capsicum frutescens) 33.30% Caesin ( Brassica rapa L.) 25.00%75.00% Jagung ( Zea mays L.) 100% Jahe ( Zingiber offcinale) 75.00%25.00% Kacang kedelai ( Soya max piper) 100% Kacang tanah ( Arachis hypogaea L) 100% Kunyit ( Curcuma longa) 66.70%33.30% Ubi Jalar ( Ipomoea batatas) 100% Marketable commodities and the marketing chain (in % by commodities)
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocul ture Garden Simple Agrofor est Total Land Preparation ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Nursery ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Planting ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Maintaining ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Average Level of Labour Input by land use type and gender (% plot)
Farming System Characteristics Irrigated Paddyfield Rainfed Paddyfield Dry Land Monocult ure Garden Simple Agrofor est Total Fertilizing ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Harvesting ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Total Labor Input ~ Proportion of male (%) ~ Proportion of female (%) Average Level of Labour Input by land use type and gender (% plot)
Farming System Characteristics Hambaro Parakan Muncang SukaluyuTotal Family Head (%) Wife (%) %9.70 No agricultural expenditure (%) Who control the expenditure for Agricultural inputs
Concluding Remarks 1.The Kecamatan Nanggung includes 7,022.3 (63.8%) hectare of arable land. The remaining area is housing and other infrastructures and other uses. 2.Population growth (since ) was 0.40% per year, lower than West Java Province and National growth. Population density of the area is 683 persons per square kilometers (, lower than for West Java % of working population (economically active population) engages in agriculture, higher than national data (46.3%). 4.Largest proportion of family income were spent on food (62%) 5.Agricultural income contributed 14% to the total households’ income. In Term the poverty line, the study found that 52% of the surveyed households are below poverty line, and thus are categorized as poor. 6.Unequal land distribution is a characteristic of the study site, where the bottom 60% of the surveyed household controlled only 15% of total landholding size, while the top 20% controlling about 62% of the total landholding size.
Concluding Remarks 7.Intensive agriculture (paddy field, dryland and monoculture garden) mostly takes place in the relatively flat area, more than 80% of the plots are considered by the respondents as gently to slightly steep area. 8.The top five vegetables species found in of plots samples were : Pisang (Musa sp.), Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis), Timun (Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim), Kucai (Allium tuberosum) and Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris). This species mostly cultivated in dryland and simple agroforest. 9.Kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis), Timun (Trichosanthes cucumeroides maxim), Kucai (Allium tuberosum) and Buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris), are the most common annual crops cultivated by farmer under Dudukuhan system. 10.The number of ps-days involve in land preparation is much higher than in other activities. Number of ps-days involved in nursery activities and fertilizing activities is the lowest compare with the others activities. 11.The use fertilizer common in all sample plots in the study site, except for complex agroforests and fallow lands. The fertilizer rate of every land use category varies according to land use category and varies among plot within the land use category.
Concluding Remarks 12.Almost all commodities harvested in the plot were sold by the surveyed households. Most of the harvested yields (89% or more) are sold for 22 annual commodities. Only 76.5% of corn yields are sold and 29.6% of rice. All (100%) of the sawi produced is consumed by households. 13.Data recorded from the surveyed household shows that high value species (Cabe, Caesin, Kacang kedelai ) mosly sold directly through consumer, this show that farmers lack adequate market information and market access. 14.Women involved in agriculture is limited to certain activities, in paddy field, women had proportion more than 15% of labor input only in nursery, maintaining, fertilizing, and harvesting activities. But for others land use, proportion of women labor very small.
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