Leadership n What is leadership n What makes a manager a successful/effective leader n Leadership issues u Leading clinical professionals
Management versus leadership
Being a leader versus being a manager n Managers are persons appointed to positions of authority who enable others to do their work effectively, who have responsibility for resource utilization (people, materials, equipment, and capital resources), and who are accountable for work results. n Leadership is one of the roles that a manager needs to exercise. By executing the leadership role, managers get things done through people.
Traits perspective n Individual characteristics that distinguish successful leaders: physical; personality; intelligence; social background; social skill; and task-related. u Leader traits ----> Leadership effectiveness n Traits as predisposition to certain behaviors that can lead to effective leadership. Important component: leadership behaviors. u Leader traits --> Leader behaviors --> Leadership effectiveness
Behavioral perspective n Focus on the leadership style n Leadership style --> Leadership effectiveness n Two major leadership styles u Production orientation u People orientation n Blake and Mouton (1978) leadership’s grid. u The best leadership style is a combination of high production and high people orientation.
Contingency perspective n Recognizes the effect of the situation in identifying proper leadership style. n Leadership style + Situation --> Leadership effectiveness n Path-goal theory of leadership by House and Mitchell (1974)
Path-goal theory of leadership n Different leader behaviors are best for different situations; it depends on the characteristics of the subordinate/task. n Leadership styles u Directive u Supportive u Participative u Achievement n Situational factors u Subordinate characteristics u Nature of the task
Path-goal theory of leadership (cont.) n All 4 leadership styles can be effective. n The effective leader learns to match style to situation. n Directive leadership: when workers are engaged in ambiguous tasks. n Supportive leadership: followers are engaged in clear/routine tasks.
Beyond the transactional model of leadership n Transactional leadership u Traditional management functions of the supervisor-subordinate relationship u Emphasis on efficiency and conforming to organizational norms and values.
Beyond the transactional model of leadership n Transformational leadership u Help change organizations by having a vision for the organization and helping followers achieve that vision. n Inspirational/charismatic leadership u Motivate people to do more than it is expected. n HCOs today need more inspirational/ transformational leadership. n Attributes: systems thinking, visioning, facilitating learning, and empowering followers.
Leading clinical professionals