LHC LHC Wire Scanner Application Manual oOverview: 1 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Menu Bar Information oYou can open more acquisition tabs or tabs where logging data is displayed oNominal or measured optics for emittance calculation can be chosen (if no measured optics are available, nominal optics are automatically taken) oAlso displayed: optics name, number of bunches and particle type oApplicaton also works for ions! 2 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Bunch Selection o# bunches automatically updated at eacht injection and send to all wire scanners (information in menu bar) oBunches can also be (de-)selected manually: 3 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Wire Scanner Status oScanner position, photomultiplier (PM) voltage and filter, # scans and mode are displayed oOnce PM saturation is available, voltage and filter will be color coded (red = saturated, green = ok) oMode is ON once the scanner is armed oTotal # scans should not exceed ~ M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Wire Scanner Configuration oDifferent settings (commissioning, physics injection MD,...) can be loaded oGain is entered in per mille (1 – 1000), corresponding voltage is displayed oAvailable filters: No filter, 20 %, 10 %, 2 %, 1 %, 0.2 %, 0.1 %, No transmission oThere is only one PM per beam! Settings will be send to the scanner only when acquire button is pressed 5 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Acquisition Configuration oOnly one scanner per acquisition can be chosen at the moment − Each scanner has a different tab by default, no need to change ticks oOnly one scan per acquisition possible at the moment oBunch-by-bunch or turn acquisition possible − Window for turn acquisition not large enough to scan entire machine 6 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Scan oPress acquire to move the chosen scanner − Settings from configuration panel are applied 7 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC If anything goes wrong... oIf wire is HOME but mode is still ON: − Press „set all modes off“ − Try several times if necessary oIf wire is stuck IN or READY but doesn‘t fire please contact an expert! No wire scans are possible until problem is fixed. 8 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Analysis oTo fit the profiles, press „Analyse“ oFit results will be send to logging DB automatically oOverview of bunch emittances is displayed in bar chart (already averaged over in and out scan) oTimeline of scans during one fill is displayed above (either bunch-by-bunch or averaged over all bunches if > 50 bunches) oScroll through bunches and scans 9 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015
LHC Logging oData can be retrieved from logging − Choose scanners, fillnumber, beammodes and loggingDB or measDB oProfiles can be refit with analyse button 10 M. Kuhn - 12/03/2015