World Religions
Symbols Symbols are ways of identifying something without words eg.
Beliefs Things that people who follow the religion believe to be true. Something that drives their values and feelings. Eg. Christians believe that God created the world. Muslims believe Muhammed is the final prophet.
Stories All religions teach moral lessons (or what they believe is the truth) by using stories. Eg The Good Samaritan is a story Jesus told to communicate a message. What meaning was Jesus trying to communicate?
Festivals All religions have festivals to celebrate special occasions and rituals.
Special Places Either places of great religious significance eg Mecca for Muslims or A place of worship eg Synagogue, church etc
Special People People of significance in the stories or historically significant in the religion. Or people held in high esteem in regards to the religion. Eg Moses, Jesus, St Peter, The Pope, the Dalai Lama, Monk, Rabbi, Iman
Sacred Text Most religions have sacred writings which have been written by holymen and women in past ages. They were originally written in Ancient Languages. Eg Bible, Torah, Qu’ran