How To Catch Crayfish Load trap with a fat/protein. I often use a fish carcass, but bacon, or even a can of cat food with holes poked in will do. Place trap completely submerged in a pool or slow moving water. Tie a copy of your fishing license to the rope and catch all you can. Crayfish from fresh, clean water are excellent to eat possessing a very digestible protein.
WHY CATCH CRAWFISH ? Crayfish can turn a clean, thriving, diverse ecosystem into muddy one dominated by crayfish
WHY CATCH CRAYFISH? Because of crayfish activity, the Three Forks Springsnail no longer thrives here!!!!!!!!
WHY CATCH CRAYFISH? Young garters snakes, such as the terrestrial + protected narrow-headed species are vulnerable to crayfish. Narrow- headed are ambush predators making them easy crayfish prey. Adult narrow –headed garters are often found with scars on their bodies, missing tails or both as a result of crayfish attacks.
Sexing A Crayfish Above-This is a female. Notice the opening (orifice) above the bottom pair of legs. Upper Right-Gravid female- look at those eggs!! High biotic potential here. Far Right- Male. Notice a pair of appendages replaces the opening.